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June 16, 2006

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Questions for Rafa.

Q. Well us, tell us, what's the problem, Rafa?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know. I feel lot of pain here (indicating his shoulder). Just right here.
So the pain beginning in the final games of first set, and go more, go more. It is stupid, continuing to playing, because I can't serve tough. I speak with the physio, and if I continue, it can go worse, no?
So is normal. The balls here is lot of different than Roland Garros. Is too much heavy. So I can't continue, 'cause if I go with the arm like this (raising his arm), I feel pain.

Q. Must be very disappointing after you played such a good first set.
RAFAEL NADAL: I was playing my best match here today, no, maybe. I was playing very good with my forehand, especially with my backhand, and then serving good, normal, no?
I am a lot running the second set. Very aggressive. Maybe today I improve my game, no?

Q. But in total, you probably played a bit more on grass than you thought you might have done? Coming here from Roland Garros, you didn't expect to even last until Friday.
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, sure.

Q. It's been a good experience.
RAFAEL NADAL: No, I know is a very good experience, very good tournament for me. Is very difficult come here after Roland Garros, and won two matches and have little bit chance today in quarterfinals. So is a very good tournament for me.
But I don't know now, because I feel pain here and I want to go to see my doctor.

Q. How confident are you about being fit for Wimbledon?
RAFAEL NADAL: You never know, no? But I am playing better on grass, maybe, no? I am playing better than last year, sure.
Today I feel good level, so we gonna see in Wimbledon.

Q. From your fitness point of view, you're very confident you'll be ready?
RAFAEL NADAL: For Wimbledon?

Q. Yes.
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know. I don't know. I hope, no? I hope.

Q. Have you had this before?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, but not now. Not in the last months. Two years ago or so.

Q. Are you going home to Spain to your doctors?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, I going today. I hope go today. I don't know if I have plane. But I travel today because tomorrow is Saturday and after in Sunday is difficult, no?

Q. Where will you go to Mallorca, Barcelona?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, I go to Mallorca. I have my physio there, so I have (good relation?).

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