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August 26, 2006

Jonathan Erlich

Andy Ram


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Easy match for you guys out there today? You seemed to be in a pretty good rhythm.
ANDY RAM: Yeah, I think Jonathan and myself playing well since long time now. We started the hard court season, the U.S. Series in Washington, making semifinals, Cincinnati semifinal, here won the tournament. We're playing well at the moment.
Coming into the US Open with lot of confidence. Hopefully we can do some damage there.

Q. Turning point in the match today?
JONATHAN ERLICH: I think in the beginning, we start pretty strong. I think the first break like second game of the match I think make our job if it would go a little more tight, I think it would get in a little bit to the game. I think we had the early break. Since then we start to feel confidence on the court. I think we were controlling all the match. I think we start good and that what make us play easy in the match.

Q. Have you been here before?
ANDY RAM: Yeah, we've been here last year, right?
JONATHAN ERLICH: We've been here last year.
ANDY RAM: Last year we lost second round in quarterfinals.
JONATHAN ERLICH: We've been here previous years when it was only men. What was it, like maybe seven years ago?

Q. This is your first win?
JONATHAN ERLICH: This is our first win.

Q. What was the highlight of your time in New Haven?
JONATHAN ERLICH: This one, winning the finals.

Q. We saw you on the board for some of the restaurants. What were your favorite things in town?
JONATHAN ERLICH: We enjoyed very much the restaurants. The restaurants are really great here. I'm pretty surprised. We really almost all the restaurants we went were really good. We enjoy it. Food was great in New Haven and cheap. Actually free, so it's even better (smiling).

Q. What about bartending?
JONATHAN ERLICH: We make great tips.
ANDY RAM: We thought to change our career maybe. Open a bar in Israel, Tel Aviv.
JONATHAN ERLICH: 15 minutes, $2500, pretty good. More than what I make in tennis.

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