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April 23, 2006

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. Rafa, how excited are you about defending your title and beating Federer in the same time?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, was a very, very good week for me, no. Was unbelievable week for me. Is special for me I begin the clay season like this. Is very, very important.
And beating Federer in the finals is special, too, no. Is more special.
Q. When he came back to win the second set after you'd had set point, were you concerned? Were you worried then?
RAFAEL NADAL: Sure. Is not easy, no. Is difficult because I am -- I was a little bit disappointed because I had a very important chance in the second. I can't convert it. And after, I have difficult moments but because I begin the third with break down. But Federer had some misses in the next game. I can return the break. And after that, I feel with a lot of confidence, no.
Q. What was it that enabled you to win the match? What do you think enabled you to win?
RAFAEL NADAL: I think I am play very good match, no, very aggressive with my forehand. I touch very good the ball with the forehand today maybe. And maybe I play all time, no, all time very, very concentrate. That's the decisive, no.
Q. In the fourth set you were 4-2 up and then he comes back. In the tiebreak, you were 3-Love down. Mentally then were you preparing for a fifth set? Would you have been prepared for a fifth set?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, sure. If I lose the fourth, I gonna be in the fifth, no. I was win -- I want to win this final and if in four, better. And if in five, better. Good, too, no?
So, sure, if we go to the fifth, I can lose. Federer was getting a lot of confidence. And important, I know the title is near. In the 3-Love down in the tiebreak, I know, but is just seven points, no? I need do the special effort, and I can change the situation, no.
Q. What did satisfy you more the whole match apart from winning?
RAFAEL NADAL: The title.
Q. Huh?
RAFAEL NADAL: Win the tournament.
Q. In what way you can improve, because you are in such a high level. What do you think that you can improve?
RAFAEL NADAL: I think maybe today the worst thing is the serve. I serve bad today maybe. I have some problem with the sun, too, and I serve bad.
But not the excuse, the sun, no. For me and for him.
Q. You've now won 42 matches on clay.
RAFAEL NADAL: 42 or 41?
Q. 42.
Q. Borg has 46. Vilas has 53. Is that something you're thinking about, or do you not worry about statistics like that?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, sure, is important for me be the now the No. 3 in the history. Is nice, no?
For Borg, 46? 46, no. I need do the final, final in Barcelona for tie with him, no. Not easy, no.
Any day, I gonna lose, no, on clay, sure.
Q. When?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know, but I hope not the next week, no.
Q. At the end of the match Roger said that he felt he is getting closer to you every match on clay. Do you have the feeling he's closer to you than in Paris last year?
RAFAEL NADAL: I know every match is different, no.
Q. Did you feel he was more dangerous today than in Paris?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know, because in Paris I lost the second set and -- I lost the second set 6-4. Today, I was winning 6-2, 5-3 and set point.
I was beating easier today than Paris, no? So after, no, sure. After, no, because I wasn't -- I was a little bit nervous and he play better the important moments in the 5-4.
But the match, the general match, because he maybe - I think, huh? - he might get a little bit bad, I don't know, nervous. I don't know.
But I play with confidence after the second set. Sure, after this is more difficult than Paris, no. But I was winning 6-2, 5-3. I win the fourth -- the three -- the third 6-3. In the fourth, I was winning 3-0 with two breaks.
Sure, the match is tough always, no.
Q. How do you explain nine mini-breaks in twelve points in the final tiebreaker? Nine mini-breaks.
RAFAEL NADAL: In clay that's normal, no.
Q. Out of twelve?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know, no. But in clay every point is tough, no. Is possible that, no. Last year against Gasquet in semifinals in the first tiebreak, in the first set, 7-6, I was lose 7-6, I don't win no one. I remember because I can't win any one, no.
But sometimes on clay, sure, is not normal. But with my serve, yes. With him, no.
Q. What do you think it means that Federer is winning so easily here against everybody? Maybe the first match was tougher, but the other matches, easy. Then he plays against you and he lost. Means that you are just Nadal and Federer and that's it, or are there other players that can compete with you and Federer?
RAFAEL NADAL: You know. You know the other players can compete perfectly with me, sure (smiling). With Federer, I don't know. But with me, sure (smiling).
Q. Do you think Federer now has a complex?
RAFAEL NADAL: I can't say nothing about that, no. Federer is the best, one of the best of the history. What complex, no?
Australia, Indian Wells and Miami, final here (speaking in Spanish).
Q. Rafael, was your first set against Gaudio tougher than anything Roger produced today?
RAFAEL NADAL: Every match is different, no? The strategy is different, the player is different. The rallies tougher with Gaudio, but with Federer is a lot of different things tougher, too, no.
Q. Is it normal for you now to win all these tournaments, or is it still a surprise when you succeed like that? It's something normal or...?
RAFAEL NADAL: Normal is never, no. Win a Masters Series is not normal for me, no?
Sure, I know if I am playing my best, I can win on clay a Masters Series, no. But I know I need play very good and I know is very tough because on clay and other surfaces all players is dangerous, no.
Q. Twice during the match when a call was given in your favor, you asked the umpire to check the mark. Is that something you did because you're playing Federer, or you think it's sporting to do that? Why did you do that?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, I always the same, no? Sure, if the ball is good, is good and if the ball is bad, is bad. So maybe is important the fair play in the sports, no.
Q. What do you think, which feeling do you have when you play Federer? Which shot do you think he doesn't like about yourself? What he doesn't like exactly? Is because every time you return one ball more, you are always there? Is what, is the pressure?
RAFAEL NADAL: You can ask him, because I don't know.
Q. I ask you, because it's more interesting. Is it physical strength?
RAFAEL NADAL: My forehand against his backhand is the best intercambio (speaking in Spanish).

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