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April 18, 2006

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. Rafael, are you happy to be back on clay?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, sure, I am happy for this day. On clay, is my first match after a long time so is important begin with a victory.
Q. How did you think you played?
RAFAEL NADAL: Not good (smiling). Maybe I don't play very good, no, but is normal, no. I lost in Miami first round. My first match on clay, so I was a little bit nervous, but that normal, no.
And then I am happy because I am practicing very good every day, no. So when I finish my nervous, I think, and when I gonna play a little bit more aggressive, maybe I gonna play good, no - I hope.
Q. Were you a little bit disappointed by your results in America?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, no, no. I lost in semifinal in Indian Wells so it was very good week for me. I lost against very good player, Blake, who was playing unbelievable.
And second week, sure, is not my best result in first round in Miami, but Carlos play a good match with a lot of confidence. And maybe I don't play good, no.
Q. What was difficult today? Which part of the game was difficult today? Was it footwork?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, no. Clement play very aggressive, no. Maybe Clement don't play bad today, I don't know. But maybe he don't play bad. He play very aggressive. And I play lot of defensive, no, so that's bad, and he play little bit more aggressive with a little bit more intensity.
So maybe the worst is play too much defensive, no. I need play with a little bit more intensity and aggressive. And if I find that, I gonna play good because I touch good the ball - I am touching good the ball (smiling).
Q. What is the problem with the foot?
RAFAEL NADAL: Foot, forget. I don't want to speak more about the foot.
THE MODERATOR: (Speaking in Spanish).
RAFAEL NADAL: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. No, with the tape. No, no, don't pain with the foot. The tape push too much.
THE MODERATOR: It was too strong, too tight.
Q. You have a lot of pressure because now we are on clay, you have a lot of points to defend. Do you think about that?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't have a lot of points to defend, no, because in the Race I am the 8. So the most important thing is the Race, not the defensive points, because every year is different. So I am the 8, and if I play good tournament here, I gonna be a little bit better.
So the important is the Race. Sure, I don't gonna defense all points, no.
Q. Can we compare your level of play now compared with last year at the same time.
RAFAEL NADAL: No, I can't compare that, no, because I don't know very good exactly. But last year I don't play good the first match here, too, no. I remember very well because I have the match, I watch all matches on TV.
Sure, I was playing last year in Buenos Aires, Brazil, Acapulco. I have a lot of matches in my shoulders. So after now is my first tournament on clay, but I gonna try my best, no. I want to play good here, and maybe I can.

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