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March 23, 2006

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. How does it feel to be back here where things started for you at the Masters Series?
Q. Everything really started here for you.
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, is one of the best tournaments in the world for sure. I am happy first day here. My first tournament after the injury, I begin very well. Two semifinals, one champion. So I am happy first day here. I am with confidence. Maybe I am playing good. Last year I play the final here. It was my first Masters Series final. Was unbelievable tournament for me last year, that I lost against Roger in the final, but I play a very good match. I was winning two sets to love and 4-1 in the third.
So I like a lot this tournament. Year before I won Federer, too, here. Every year I always play good here. Is a good tournament for me.
Q. How excited are you for your match tomorrow?
RAFAEL NADAL: Tomorrow is a difficult match. He knows me very, very good. I know him for sure, too.
But will be a difficult match, night match always. Is a night match. I need to play very good for try win this match, no?
But I have motivation.
Q. How hard, how difficult is it to play someone like Carlos who is such a close friend?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, he's my best friend in the tour, sure. No, I practice with him always in Mallorca. We have very good relation.
But, you know, in the court, he want to win, I want to win. Five minutes before the court we are very good friends. Five minutes after the court, we are very good friends. In the court, we respect -- I respect him, he respect me. But is the job, is the game, no?
Q. Can you talk a little bit about how your life maybe has changed since all your success last year. What's different?
RAFAEL NADAL: For me is the same, no. I have the same friends in Mallorca. I live in the same place. For me, all is the same. Just change one number, no, in the ranking.
Q. Has being more famous --
RAFAEL NADAL: Sure, I am little bit more famous, no, the people know me little bit more in Spain and outside in Spain, in some places, too.
But it's nice, no, the people. Always stay very nice with me. That's important, that's important for me.
Q. You've had trouble with Blake lately. He has now moved into the Top 10 in the world. What makes him such a difficult player?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, he is very good player. He's in a good moment. So when one player stay in a good moment with confidence, always is difficult. He play good, for sure. He can stay in the Top 10 because he play very good.
Q. Do you have any specific goals for this year?
RAFAEL NADAL: My best goal is stay here (smiling). After my injury, is very good stay here, no? My second goal is stay in the Masters Cup. So, I think I begin very well. I am No. 6 in the race now. That's very good because I just play three tournaments.
Q. Can you talk a little bit about Roger Federer's game and what you think it will take to beat him.
RAFAEL NADAL: What can I say? You know, you know, everybody know about his game, no? He's one of the best of history. He is very complete. He have all shots. So it is very difficult with him.
Q. A lot of people think that maybe you can be the one to figure him out?
RAFAEL NADAL: I beat him sometimes, no, but always is a very difficult match. And, for sure I can win, but everybody can win. But normally he is the best, no? And he is the best in the court, he is the best. And outside he is very good person, so that's good for the tennis.

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