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March 15, 2006

Rafael Nadal


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. You just pulled out of doubles. How is the foot? How is the ankle?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know yet exactly, but I think it's okay. When I have the pain, I have pain because I twisted my ankle.
Q. Did you pull out of doubles because you're hurting now?
Q. Do you think you'll be okay for the singles?
RAFAEL NADAL: I hope. I hope yes. But is more for precaution. You don't know tomorrow what's happen, no? But now I am happy because I don't feel too much pain, no? But I can finish the match, so that's a good sign.
Q. Did you get any treatment after the match?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, yeah. But I have ice, and I looked the physios, the doctors, my physio. He looks. He thinks I will be okay for after tomorrow.
Q. Did you feel it at all after you got it taped? Did you feel the pain after you got it taped on court?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yes, a little bit.
Q. But not enough to affect you?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, no for retire. Some moments I don't feel hundred percent good, so...
But I can finish, so that's good. If I have anything important, I going to stop because I going to feel a lot of pain. But I can finish. I finish good. Now I feel good. I don't have too much pain, so that's important.
Q. Do you feel you played well in the second set?
RAFAEL NADAL: I think I play well all match. I think. Do you think?
Q. Better than in the first two rounds?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah. Yesterday, the first set I play very good. Today maybe I think I play very, very good all match. But in the 5-2, I lost the game. I lost a little bit my concentration here. I think I play very good with my forehand. The backhand okay. I serve better today. I am happy with my game.
Q. What about the next match against Baghdatis?
RAFAEL NADAL: He's playing good. He's playing very good. He has a lot of confidence. He play the final on Australia. He is unbelievable comeback this year, no? It will be difficult. I will have a difficult match. I have a lot of motivation for the next match, no? Is an interesting match with one of the best players of the moment. I have a special motivation for this match. I am happy for stay in the quarterfinals. And I hope play good match. Will be a nice match, I think.
Q. What are you going to be doing tomorrow on your day off?
RAFAEL NADAL: I think tomorrow is good. Day off is good. I am in quarterfinal. I am playing maybe good. I am very happy for stay here. After three months and a half stop, I have unbelievable comeback: semifinal, final, now I am in quarterfinal. You never know. So I am very happy, no?
Q. During those times that you were injured, what were you doing? Did you get your driver's license? Were you able to do some of the things you weren't able to do last year because you were playing so much?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yes, yes, I have a lot of things. But when I was injury, I don't have a lot of time because I need practice, I need recuperation, I need a lot of physical practice. I watch a lot of videos of mine. So I have a lot of work, too, no? But I find a little bit time for the driver license and for something more, no?
And I English, I am looking better.
Q. How big a star are you back home in Spain?
RAFAEL NADAL: I don't know.
Q. Can you go out without being recognized by fans?
RAFAEL NADAL: Normal people recognize me. Especially in Mallorca, the people recognize me, but we are very quiet.
Q. They show respect?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah. But normal the people recognize me, but the people will be very nice with me always, so I am happy.
Q. Have you played Baghdatis before?
Q. Not on tour, not in Juniors?
RAFAEL NADAL: Not in Juniors, nothing, no.
Q. What impressed you with his game when you saw him in Australia?
RAFAEL NADAL: He play very good tournament. For sure, if you play the final of Grand Slam, you need play unbelievable tournament. So he's a young player, one year more than me just, so he have very good chance for stay in the top 10 this year for sure because he has 700 points in Australia. Now he has 125 more and a good chance for tomorrow. I hope not, but...

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