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February 2, 2005

Vijay Singh


Q. I expect you like this tournament. You've been in it a lot.

VIJAY SINGH: Yes. The golf course suits me. I like playing here.

This year the golf course is in great shape; there's so much grass on the golf course right now and the rough is long, so it's going to be tough playing it.

Q. Do these kind of conditions with the longer rough, does it help or hurt your chances?

VIJAY SINGH: I think it helps. I probably get out of the rough better than most guys out here. The best thing is not to hit it in there.

The wind was blowing and that was a hard golf course. I know the golf course very well and where to hit it and where not to hit it, so if I just do what I'm supposed to do, I should be okay.

Q. What do you think of the 16th hole and the enthusiasm when you get out there?

VIJAY SINGH: I think it's the best on Tour. It's like getting to a stadium. As long as the crowd stays quiet before you hit the ball, I have no problem with it. I think it's great hitting balls out of there.

Q. You obviously -- what about this course has suited you so well?

VIJAY SINGH: I've had good success here, and I love it. It's a driver's golf course. You drive the ball good, you're going to play well. I'm driving the ball well, so I like my chances.

Q. Have you been heckled here?

VIJAY SINGH: No (laughter).

Q. People say nice things to you?

VIJAY SINGH: Even though they heckle, it's all good.

End of FastScripts.

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