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October 11, 1999

Jimy Williams


Q. How's Pedro feeling? He was seen throwing earlier.

A. He feels a lot better. He's had a steady progression of feeling better the last three days so, I mean, that's a good sign. Can he pitch is probably what you really want to know. I really think he can. You know, we have to find the right spot. You know, we're not starting him. Saberhagen is starting, but to put him in there to help us win a game, you know. Everybody here knows what the situation is.

Q. Is this the most resilient team you've been a part of?

A. This year. You know, I mean, they stay after.

Q. Would you talk a little bit about John Valentin being 0 for 10 the first two games and then explodes the last two?

A. I think he's had a good year. I don't know how you're basing the whole situation on as far as a so-so year, but as far as my information, he's an integral part of our ball club, has been all year, has had to be on the disabled list a couple of times, has come back and played well. This kid, he's a big game player.

Q. Do you like the mood of your team going into game five? Are they loose, are they uptight, are they confident?

A. It's the fifth game. We fought back from 2-0. We look forward to playing. If somebody asks me is this the most important game you've ever been involved in; it's the only one we can play today, so I guess it is from that standpoint. But I think our kids have maintained a pretty even keel the entire season and don't get too high when things go real good and don't get too low when they don't and just keep playing.

Q. It seems that all managers get criticized from time to time and Mike Hargrove is being criticized a little for some of his moves in games three and four. When you hear about that, do you empathize with it?

A. Are you telling me I have, too? Who wrote it? You know, I really haven't read anything. I'll be honest with you, we just try to take care of our own club the best way we can and we're good in our clubhouse. We try to take care of each other the best way we can and just keep playing.

Q. How many innings do you expect to get out of Saberhagen tonight and would you use Pedro in a closing role if you had to?

A. We take our one out at a time, one pitch at a time, as long as his shoulder doesn't end up on home plate, he keeps pitching, you know. This is one tough customer. He's a gamer. We look forward to him pitching. I don't know how many innings he can pitch. We go with the man, if he says something, we'll make a change. Hopefully he can pitch several innings, but we have to play the game and we're not going to start Pedro; to answer the second part, see where we are, what position we're in. He's available, though, and hopefully he can help us win a game in whatever capacity we utilize his skills.

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