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June 6, 2004

Shaquille O'Neal


Q. Phil said that he you may have tired in the second half, did you get a little tired in the second half after the big first half?

SHAQUILLE O'NEAL: Tired of waiting. We, you know, as a team, we really didn't come out with much energy. You know, we had a couple of lapses, especially there in the third quarter. I don't think a person going 13 for 16 is a sign of being tired by any means.

Q. Tell us, you guys have been in this position a few years ago against Philly, put any pressure on you for the next game?

SHAQUILLE O'NEAL: It puts a lot of pressure on us for the next game. This is the type of team that comes out, they play aggressive defense, they play well. They just wanted it a little bit more than we wanted it tonight. Tonight we just came out a little bit too loose, too lackadaisical and nobody was trying to feel them out in the first half and got ourselves into a big hole with our lackadaisical play in the third quarter.

Q. You have 13 out of 16 field goals, maybe you should have gotten the ball more, maybe this was a game you were supposed to be in the high 40s?

SHAQUILLE O'NEAL: We've just got to play better as a team. Overall as a team, we didn't shoot the ball real well tonight and we just kind of keep getting everybody involved and act like we want it and we'll be okay in Game 2.

Q. How did it feel not getting double-teamed for a change in your life?

SHAQUILLE O'NEAL: It felt pretty good. I felt I was able to, you know, do what I wanted to do. But I would have rather have the win.

Q. In a way did it take out the other guys because when they double-team you in the other series, the other guys, you fed those guys very well and this way, they kind of got shut out of the ballgame.

SHAQUILLE O'NEAL: Maybe they maybe did, but, you know we've still got to do a good job on defense. We have to allow defense to create easy buckets for us. Tonight, we could not get any stops, especially in the third quarter.

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