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October 5, 2004
Q. Bartolo, some people were saying that maybe your ankle was a little more injured than you let on to earlier in the year. Is that, to you, the biggest difference in terms of your turnarounds, that you are physically healthy now?
BARTOLO COLON: I actually changed a little bit of the workout with the ankle. I did more strengthening with the ankle, and I think, combined with my other workout, I stepped it up a little bit more, gave me the ability to get stronger in the second half.
Q. Yeah, the last time you pitched against the Red Sox and Boston, it was a very stressful game where they seemed to be pressuring you every inning. What did you take from that game that might help you tomorrow?
BARTOLO COLON: I really can't focus on what happened there. I have to concentrate on tomorrow. They did get to me pretty well over there in Boston, but -- he reiterated I cannot be thinking about what happened in the past, I've got to think about tomorrow's game.
Q. Bartolo, you never look upset on the mound, never show any emotion, never seem to get upset with an umpire's call. Are you that calm inside, too?
BARTOLO COLON: It doesn't bother me what -- the outside circumstances. Inside, also I feel the same, just as tranquil and calm. And regarding the umpires, he said I cannot let the umpires affect the way I pitch. They are trying to do a job, just as I am, and sometimes it's going to work out in one direction or another, but it does not bother me, and I feel, I repeat, just as calm inside as you see me out on the mound.
Q. Bartolo, do you feel that your post-season experience is important for you to be able to draw on, and particularly that you had it when you were very young?
BARTOLO COLON: I definitely have the experience and I consider myself more better, and so it should be help for me.
Q. Bartolo, I know that you are not pitching against Pedro, you are pitching against their batters, but what are your thoughts on having watched Pedro over the years and what are your impressions of him and his career?
BARTOLO COLON: Starting with the answer from back, he says he has faced Pedro in a playoff game when he was with the Indians, and that Pedro, himself, has always been his favorite pitcher to watch, and he said -- he repeated what he said, in terms of I am not going to worry about Pedro, I am going to worry about the batters. With all due respect, I am going to concentrate on the batters, but he does recall an experience against Pedro in the playoffs when he played with the Cleveland Indians.
Q. What makes him your favorite guy to watch?
BARTOLO COLON: He is a guy that's always spoken to me regarding pitching, he is a guy who has motivated me with his words and the way he speaks to me about approaching the game, and so forth, and he also mentioned the fact that he and Pedro are so close that they are compadres practically, comrades, and that's how close they are, too, in the off-season, too.
Q. In the Dominican Republic tomorrow, who will the people there be rooting for, you or Pedro?
BARTOLO COLON: My family will be rooting for me, his family will be rooting for him, and from there on, I have no idea.
Q. What do you have to do against the Red Sox hitters to win?
BARTOLO COLON: He has got to go battle against a very good team, and more than anything, may the best team win the ball game.
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