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October 9, 2005

Mike Scioscia


Q. 7th inning, did you think Shields was getting tired at all and consider taking him out earlier?

MIKE SCIOSCIA: No, Shieldsy was fine. He's as resilient as any pitcher in the League. His stuff looked great and he went from, I think it was two strikes and he ended up just missing with a couple of pitches. You have to give Jorge some credit, he just missed, laid off some pitches and drew a walk. I think his stuff was good and he was the guy that we really needed to get out of that jam and finish the inning for us. Unfortunately they grabbed the lead and they held it there.

Q. Escobar, was he 100% today, because he did have some health issues after the game the other night as far as energy and everything?

MIKE SCIOSCIA: You mean the little viral thing he had or whatever? No, he's fine. Kelvim was strong. He feels good.

Q. Can you talk about Figgins throw and Bengie seemed to think he got him?

MIKE SCIOSCIA: Well, it was bang, bang at the plate, I haven't seen a replay but it looked like he got the glove in front of the plate. I don't know if his foot got in there or not. I thought Figgy just rushed the throw a little bit. He got in good position, looked like he rushed it and pulled it a little bit inside the baseline. You know, Figgy, he's just played terrific defense for us all year. It's not an easy play. You can't take all day long, you've got to get in there and make a throw because it's a tag, not a force-out. He just maybe rushed it a little bit it looked like and pulled it inside the line.

Q. How would you rate Lackey's performance coming off three days' rest?

MIKE SCIOSCIA: That was an outstanding performance by John Lackey. Unfortunately Chacón matched him pitch for pitch. I don't think you could have two better pitched games by any pitchers for the first five innings of that game. When John got into that little trouble in the sixth really it was more of a by-product of letting Scot come in with enough leeway than really thinking John didn't have a couple more pitches in him. Didn't work out tonight but John was strong and finished strong. That was a heck of a game he pitched. Unfortunately it was a night where the other guy matched him pitch for pitch and came up a little short.

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