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June 26, 1999

Jeff Jillson


Q. Obviously you're excited, first round pick. Talk about what you know about San Jose. And, also, they had a good year, bounced back, heading in the right direction.

JEFF JILLSON: Yeah, for sure. It's an up-and-coming organization, I'm very proud to be a part of it now. As far as their organization goes, you know, I know they have nice weather. It's going to be a little different going to the rink in shorts and things like that. I'm just looking forward to it.

Q. Big question right now is, are you headed to the National Hockey League or stay for your sophomore year at Michigan?

JEFF JILLSON: Well, I probably get asked that ten times a day. Right now I'll probably have to sit down with the San Jose Sharks organization and the coaching staff of Michigan and my family. When that time comes to make that decision, when I feel I'm ready to make the jump, I'll decide. Right now it looks like it's a day-to-day thing. We'll see what happens.

Q. Were you surprised to go to San Jose?

JEFF JILLSON: Yeah, a little bit. It was a little unexpected. I hadn't really been interviewed by them. I wasn't sure if they would select me. But now looking back on it, I'm tremendously happy, looking forward to, like I said, playing with them.

Q. You're from Providence originally, from this area, almost close to being drafted by the Bruins. In the back of your mind were you thinking that?

JEFF JILLSON: I grew up with my father and younger brother watching the Bruins on TV all the time. Obviously, I followed Ray Bourque throughout his career, looked up to him, the whole Bruins team. I had some thoughts about it. But basically I was just thrilled to be picked by any team. So it didn't really matter.

Q. Do you have any thoughts about where you might be selected in the draft? Was there any nervousness when they got to 10th or 11th? Any worry about falling in the draft?

JEFF JILLSON: No, not really. You know, I just tried to stay as calm as possible. When you don't hear your name. You put it out of your head, move on to the next team. I tried not to think about it and just keep a positive attitude throughout the whole thing.

Q. How does it feel to be the first American college player to be drafted?

JEFF JILLSON: It feels great. It's a tremendous honor. There are a lot of top college kids in this draft, more than usual this year in 1999. College hockey is on a pretty good swing. It's up-and-coming. You know, I'm just proud to be the first guy selected. And I congratulate all the rest of the guys that are in my league and throughout the country.

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