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September 13, 1998

Martina Hingis

Flushing Meadows, New York

Q. Martina, can you describe the play to come back and get some measure of revenge for yesterday?

MARTINA HINGIS: It's still nice to come back here and play the Grand Slam Finals in doubles. I was kind of making history today for myself. It's just nice. We were kind of sitting in the car, nobody was really happy. We're kind of so spoiled from our success we had earlier, or just me anyway with singles, you are a little disappointed. Still, when you win a Grand Slam in doubles, it is still nice, at least you have a nice trip back home.

Q. Jana, your reaction to the title.

JANA NOVOTNA: I am extremely happy because --

MARTINA HINGIS: You really look like it.

JANA NOVOTNA: I'm extremely happy simply because of the reason when I started to play with Martina this year I expected to have such a great year, and we really did. And we lost only one doubles so far together this year, so pretty much unbeaten at all. It just was great to come back especially we had a tough couple of days. Martina especially losing to Lindsay, it's never easy to come back and play doubles. She was the more professional. It's pretty obvious that Lindsay was tired and she was satisfied with her singles victory. And Martina was very professional to come back and play like that. It's very hard.

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