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March 22, 2002

Martina Hingis


THE MODERATOR: First question for Martina, please.

Q. Did you have to be so hard on that poor woman just because of what happened to you at Indian Wells?

MARTINA HINGIS: Oh, I mean, I came with confidence into this tournament anyway. It's just kind of nice to have -- I haven't played her ever, actually, in professionals. I remember like one time Juniors in Milan I played her. But that's like ten years down the road I think. But, no, but I just try to go in this match and just focus really. And because I know it's going to be hot here, so I try to save my energy, too. No, I really play well. So, I'm happy about it. Tried to learn from last week (smiling).

Q. How quickly do you have to -- how easy is it, rather, to adapt to the conditions from the desert to coming here?

MARTINA HINGIS: Well, I partly live in Tampa. So, it's kind of -- I'm used to it a little bit by now. I've lived there for three years, always during the American tournaments. So, I like this weather conditions. I don't like when it's cold, like, to play. I love the cold like the wintertime when I'm just kind of practicing or go to ski or things like this. But not to play tennis in. So, I prefer this kind of conditions, yeah. I was home also for couple days, so, just to relax and enjoy it. Didn't want to come here. Was too nice at home. No, it's a great event (laughing).

Q. In a perfect world, would you like to see the Indian Wells and this event separated instead of happening back-to-back like they are? How tough is that, to have these two big events so close?

MARTINA HINGIS: I mean, you know that these two big events are between Grand Slams. So, it's kind of nice that, you know, after this it's going to be -- I'll have a few weeks off before I go and start playing in Europe again. So for me, I like this, the way it is set up. It's difficult because it's only a short period of time to relax in between and just, I really felt like after Indian Wells, you know, the travel and everything, you lose time of that. But like I said, it was difficult coming here and just be ready. But, I mean, I'm really pleased the way I played today. If you can play like this your first match, I think that's always getting over the edge. After that, you just kind of roll into it and you know this is the last one before I have a one-month break, so...

Q. Why are you taking that one-month break and passing on the clay court tournaments?

MARTINA HINGIS: Because I've played a lot. I already started in Scottsdale and at Indian Wells and this one. These are big events and you want to do well and just save all your power and energy you have for these events. And after that, you're going to be dead, no matter what. Plus, I'm playing doubles here with Anna as well. So, I think it's going to be good that I'll have this break. Yeah, it's -- I mean it's only three tournaments, but it's five weeks so it kind of stretches.

Q. Speaking of Anna, how much time has your mum actually spent helping her on the court?

MARTINA HINGIS: It's more for the doubles also that she tells her a few things in the singles. But she has a very demanding schedule. I mean, she's playing like almost every week. So, helping on the court, sometimes it's more difficult to -- for a player to also really use it in the matches. So, I mean, she's using it sometimes, but especially in the doubles. I mean, it's worked very well. But singles is still a different story. It's also believing in it and believing in yourself that you can do it.

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