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March 27, 2002

Martina Hingis


THE MODERATOR: First question for Martina, please.

Q. When she gets on a roll like that in the second set, what goes through your mind? Did you consider trying to mix it up, coming to the net a little bit, show her a different look?

MARTINA HINGIS: Well, after, you know, so many missed opportunities, it's difficult to break somebody's rhythm. Once, you know, you're on a winning streak, winning roll, it's very hard. So it's -- it was a little frustrating there and a little disappointing I didn't do better in the first set. After, it was a little bit too late.

Q. Did it remind you of the US Open?

MARTINA HINGIS: Oh, no. It was a different story. At the US Open, it was more like from the beginning she was always ahead of me. But this time I felt like, you know, if she didn't have the serve, I always won the rally. So I was like, "Okay." I should have broken her earlier. Things might have been a different outcome. But like this, it was very difficult to always keep the pressure on my serve and to hold that. So, you know, I had my chances, didn't take them, so I got to work on my game.

Q. To this point in the year you've had a real successful season. Does a loss like this reassess the way you're training or playing?

MARTINA HINGIS: I think I can be very satisfied the way I've been playing so far this year. It's just taking an extra step. I mean, I've been reassessing my game. I think it works pretty well against most of the players. I mean, I lost four games only, and I'm in the quarters. Today was a different player, you know, different caliber. So I got to just get better and work on my game even more.

Q. Was that second set about as well as you've seen Serena play?

MARTINA HINGIS: Well, I just didn't stay with her. I mean, it was also, you know, I get down on myself a little bit too much. And then these kind of conditions, you know, you know you have chances, and it's still in the back of your mind that you had the opportunities -- or missed opportunities. Then it was difficult for me to do anything. You know, she was hitting winners from all over the court. So what was it again, sorry?

Q. Was it about as well as you've seen her play, the second set?

MARTINA HINGIS: She's played great tennis in the past. But definitely that was one of her better matches, yeah. Or one of her better sets.

Q. Any predictions considering their matchup tomorrow?

MARTINA HINGIS: I don't have to worry about this anymore, you know. I'm out of the tournament, trying to play doubles. I have to focus on myself now again.

Q. What about your own conditions? Did you feel in good condition at the moment? Like in general even.

MARTINA HINGIS: Yes, I do. It's just like it's been three long days here, you know, with playing singles and doubles two days in a row, and last night we got cancelled. So it's a lot of waiting around. But, you know, I felt good going into today's match. I was maybe a little nervous. We both were in the beginning. That's why it was kind of close. And, you know, things still -- in the first set, I gave a good fight. It's just, you know, those times when, you know, you win those matches or those games when you have -- when you're up, you have the chances, then important points I just didn't do them today. Against other players I did. That's why it looks different when I play somebody else.

Q. What about the heat?

MARTINA HINGIS: No, that's not a factor. No problem.

Q. You said earlier when you got into the rallies you felt good. Her serve was the key. What have you been doing with your serve specifically?

MARTINA HINGIS: Well, getting a good first safe serve in, that was the key which I've been playing well this season so far. I mean, I definitely served better, and that's why I've been winning those matches easier again. Once I get into a rally, it's a different story. It's just she has a great serve and she has great returns so right away you feel you're defense. And that's getting out of it or getting on top of her, it makes it very difficult. So...

Q. When you play a real devastating return to her, does it make you want to get a high percentage of first serves in?


Q. Yeah.

MARTINA HINGIS: Yeah, I have to go for more because if I missed the first serve, it's good-bye, you know. I mean, she just goes for it, even if she missed. But she just played a great match today.

Q. What about the next weeks? Are you going to go to clay now?

MARTINA HINGIS: Yeah, I'm going -- well, right now, we have to go back to Tampa, drive the car back. Then I'm going to Europe and, you know, try to start to play on clay. I don't know even the weather, how the weather is down there - or over there. The clay courts are already ongoing. I heard it was snowing again. So might be playing indoors.

Q. Do you think you have better chances against this kind of player on clay than on hardcourt?

MARTINA HINGIS: I think in the future if I work on my game again. It's sometimes also the belief, you know, that you can do it. I think I played very well, even today. The first set. Like I said, once I got into a rally, I felt like I was going to win the point. But it's getting into it. Because if you're not going to hold the first couple returns of serve, then I think I need just to work. And I think I've proven myself that I can play those big players even like in Australia. I mean, I beat them, most of them. So I don't think I have to worry on any surface.

Q. Do you think it's impossible for you to reach the No. 1 again or to win a Grand Slam? Are these players playing in a different league than you right now?

MARTINA HINGIS: I don't think so. I mean, like I said, it's -- how can you say that? Come on (laughing).

Q. I'm asking you what you think.

MARTINA HINGIS: I mean, it's like, "Hello." It's not that I played that bad, I think.

Q. No, you played very good. I mean, it's been two years you don't win a Grand Slam.

MARTINA HINGIS: Yeah, well, I won other tournaments. I've proved myself. I think I've been able to beat them in the past - also not that long ago. So, I mean, sometimes they didn't make it that far, that I was able to -- I could have played Venus in the semifinals of Australian Open but she didn't make it that far. And Serena was injured. So what can I do about that, you know? So... I... I think I was one point away of winning a Grand Slam. It's not that far. So...

Q. How many tournaments are you going to play on clay before the French?

MARTINA HINGIS: I play three: Hamburg, Berlin, Rome.

Q. You're not playing in the United States, Amelia Island?

MARTINA HINGIS: No. I think it's good to have a break now. I've been playing five consecutive weeks. It's good to take a rest, my body.

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