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January 19, 2006

Martina Hingis


THE MODERATOR: Questions for Martina, please.

Q. Without wanting to sound negative, where do you feel you came up short today?

MARTINA HINGIS: Well, where do you want to start (smiling)? No, I mean, just generally, you know. I know what I'm aiming for now. It's good to know how I played, how the match went, and she's always been a quick, fast -- a little faster, a little quicker. And the big points she won, and that's the difference, you know. But that's when you are above, and she was a different level today.

Q. You said you've been working on your serve. Did you find it a lot harder in match conditions than it has been in practice?

MARTINA HINGIS: Well, definitely. I mean, there is nerves. There is the heat. You know, when you're playing a lot of rallies, like with her, I mean, they are still sometimes short, but you have the pressure. It's different, you know, definitely always playing a match and practice.

Q. How is your fitness level at the moment? How is it feeling after four matches back?

MARTINA HINGIS: Well, you know, it's how it feels. I just need matches and to be patient. Just that's the only way how you learn. Either you progress or you don't do it. But I know what I have to work on now.

Q. Does a match like that give you any second thoughts at all about maybe coming back?

MARTINA HINGIS: Well, no. Just, like I said, I have to be patient. It just takes a lot of tournaments, a lot of matches to prepare for things like that, you know. Just I don't know how the girls are going to play, and, I mean, I see that it's enough for maybe top 20. But, I mean, if you want to play someone like Justine, top 10 player, it's a different ballgame.

Q. What would you be satisfied with as a ranking or an achievement?

MARTINA HINGIS: I mean, once you've been the best, I mean...

Q. That's the problem.

MARTINA HINGIS: There is no seconds. But, you know, it's hard to say. Maybe just being able to beat the top players. I don't know. Just can't really settle for a certain ranking.

Q. Could you see being back at No. 1 as a possibility or not?

MARTINA HINGIS: Well, that's thinking too far ahead at this point.

Q. The Gold Coast seemed to be an easier tournament for you.

MARTINA HINGIS: Well, no, I mean, I knew it was gonna be a tough first round even if she didn't play. But we all know that she can bounce back and win tournaments even if she hasn't played for three or six months. I mean, she won the Olympics. I don't know where -- she won the French Open, only having played a few events on clay. But she's -- usually my game used to be depending on me and not on somebody else, so I have to work on that.

Q. From your perspective, can you compare the top 10 players to the second tier level, like the players at Gold Coast, and when you go the next step further at the Australian Open?

MARTINA HINGIS: Yeah, I mean, there were -- like I said, there were players who were ranked like No. 6 in the world, but she lost in the quarters. There were better players than her - not on the ranking, but she was beat. So definitely it's the second great tournament. I mean here, like I said, I play No. 5 player of the tournament. There is five or six top 10 girls, so it's definitely a different task. But I don't hide around, you know, so that's why I chose to play here. Otherwise, I could have played at Canberra or Hobart. But I chose to come here to know where I'm at.

Q. I know you're disappointed about the loss, but did you enjoy the battle? When you were in the points, did you enjoy being out there again?

MARTINA HINGIS: Well, I was looking around at the stadium, it looked beautiful (smiling). I have great memories, winning three times here in Sydney. So I've definitely had better than losing today. But, no, the place itself is just amazing. It's gorgeous to play, and in front of fans like that.

Q. I meant the actual battle.

MARTINA HINGIS: Well, the actual battle, I wish I had more to give. I mean, of course. You never like losing to someone like Justine. I mean, I'm a competitor. You just want to give it a bigger fight.

Q. What will you do between now and the Australian Open?

MARTINA HINGIS: What will I..?

Q. The rest of the week.

MARTINA HINGIS: Don't know yet. We'll talk tonight.

Q. Will you go to Melbourne or stay here?

MARTINA HINGIS: Like I said, I don't know yet. Whatever is the better option, where you can train better.

Q. What are your plans after Melbourne at this stage?


Q. And beyond that?

MARTINA HINGIS: Well, at the moment Doha, Dubai. Dubai, Doha.

Q. You must have sort of mixed memories about Melbourne. You've had so much success down there, but particularly the last match in that summer heat was a killer. Do you think more about the good things or the bad moments?

MARTINA HINGIS: Well, if you lose in the finals having four matchpoints, I mean, I don't think that's too bad either, a win or loss. I only remember the good things, the good stuff. That's all you want to remember (smiling). At least that match made history pretty much. If I had won one and four, nobody would talk about it (smiling).

Q. How do you feel physically? Was your hip okay?

MARTINA HINGIS: Well, I think it's just the last tournament took a lot of, you know, nervous and emotional energy out of me. I mean, you're just mentally -- I was probably not at my best today. But I have a few days to get ready for Melbourne, and hopefully it will be better.

Q. Do you sleep well before matches?

MARTINA HINGIS: Yeah, just somehow I sleep too long here, too well. I mean, that's, you know (smiling)...

Q. What's a pass mark for Melbourne for you?

MARTINA HINGIS: We'll see what the draw brings, and I don't know. I mean, I hope I don't have to play Justine first round again. That's all at the moment. But even then, if it would happen, I would try to get ready and practice for the next week and don't lose stressful energy.

Q. When you were thinking about your comeback, did you have a desire just to come back and play and see how well you did, or did you have a desire to be No. 1 again? What were your goals when you were thinking about coming back?

MARTINA HINGIS: I never talked about my goals, neither will I now start talking about it. I just wanted to play, see where I'm at, and that's pretty much it. I mean, no goals set because I don't know.

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