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November 20, 2003

Mike Weir


p>Q. Can you talk about your shot on 17?

MIKE WEIR: For left hander, it was a tough shot. I want to take something and cut it a little bit.

It was a grueling match. I'm tired. Those guys played really well. It was just a really tough match.

Q. Your thoughts on being paired with Nick Price today?

MIKE WEIR: When I was playing the Canadian Tour, I got an invite to the Canadian Open at the time Nick Price was at his peak, and after watching him hit balls on the range, I knew I had to make changes to my golf swing. If we would have played 100, times he would have beat me 100 times. It was really a great match; it went back and forth. Between the two of us, Nick and I made bunch of putts and that was key. The fans were great. They were cheering on both teams. They were pulling just as hard for David and Phil as they were for us.

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