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September 4, 2000

Thomas Enqvist

U.S. OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP, Flushing Meadows, New York

THE MODERATOR: Questions for Thomas.

Q. Thomas, how highly do you rate Lleyton at this stage, and how far do you think he can go in this tournament?

THOMAS ENQVIST: It's tough to say on this match. It was tough tennis out there. He's a very tough player, I played him four times this year and I lost all four. So obviously he's a very tough player. He has a chance, as everybody else I think, here to go all the way.

Q. Do you think immaturity might count against him or do you think he's ready to go through?

THOMAS ENQVIST: I think he's ready mentally. He certainly has a good game for it, and I think he has a chance to go all the way.

Q. What do you put your performance down to, the wind? Just couldn't get the grips with the conditions?

THOMAS ENQVIST: It was tough conditions, but, you know, it was same for both of us and he handled it a lot better than I did. So that's the way it was.

Q. Have you played in conditions like that very often before?


Q. Was that especially bad?

THOMAS ENQVIST: Not so often.

Q. Was that the worst you played in?

THOMAS ENQVIST: I think one of the worst I played in, yeah.

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