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February 13, 2025

Erik Jones

Daytona Beach, Florida

Pit Lane Interview

Q. Erik Jones right here. What a wide range of emotions here in the past ten minutes for you. You just watched the clip on the camera with us right there. What are you thinking right now?

ERIK JONES: A wide range of emotions. Yeah, it's a bummer. It's the rule. I mean, if the yellow is out, the race is over. It's unfortunate, but either way the AdventHealth Camry was really fast. It was fun running up front, fun leading some laps, fun contending for the win.

I don't know. I did everything I could. So it just didn't work out. Hopefully we can be in that same spot again Sunday.

Q. Take a look over here with us. We'll watch through the end of it real quick one more time. Just tell me what you were thinking as we were coming up to the start/finish line. Of course, tell me what your thoughts are.

ERIK JONES: I think it's fairly clear we're behind when the yellow is out. Yeah, it's unfortunate, but I mean, yeah, you're just kind of setting yourself up. In that situation you're expecting to race to the line and just trying to get that momentum and that run built to where you can pull yourself ahead at the line. I think we did that, but it just was not quite soon enough.

Yeah, it's just unfortunate. I hate that it just didn't work out. There's so much going on with our group and rebuilding and trying to get better. It would have sure been nice to take pictures in victory lane for everybody, but overall I think we got a good car.

So, yeah, it's tough. We'll go on Sunday.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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