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February 13, 2025

J.J. Yeley

Daytona Beach, Florida

Victory Lane Interview

Q. J.J. Yeley coming up short tonight. J.J., it was a heck of a battle between you and Justin Allgaier. Looked like he got the top row. What more did you need to make your way into the Daytona 500?

J.J. YELEY: I just needed more pace, unfortunately. The Green River Whiskey New York Racing car was really good. I just didn't have that pole to where I could make something happen. Like seven to go, and I got by the 40, and 56 went by us on the outside, I just committed to the bottom and put all my whiskey in one glass, hoping that was where I needed to be.

Three to go, it looked like that was going to work out. I know with two to go, it just kind of goes into full chaos.

I saw those guys go by and just almost abandon ship. I had the 47 push me. I thought, man, if it gets crazy in the back straight-away, the bottom always prevails. But I lost a bit of my help, and at that point I was hoping there would be more carnage off of four. Didn't get it.

I'm proud of the effort these guys put forth. I want to say hi to my beautiful wife, Kristen, and Faith at home. Just a little short this year.

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