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February 9, 2025

Jordan Spieth

Scottsdale, Arizona, USA

TPC Scottsdale

Quick Quotes

Q. Jordan, strong week overall. I know you mentioned yesterday feeling a little ahead of schedule in your comeback. How do you feel about the four days and what you'll take into the next phase of your comeback?

JORDAN SPIETH: Yeah, I feel really good. I would have liked one more. I felt like I played a little better than 3-under today, just like the first round, but I got a little extra out of the other couple days.

All in all, it was a big progress week for me. I didn't feel like this was a one-off. It felt like this is just trending the right direction. I'm pretty realistic with myself on that. My expectations have been low, like I've mentioned. Just trying to get a little bit better each time.

I mean, I had certainly less than 100 percent of my potential this week as far as structure and what I'm trying to do. I hit a lot of good putts today that didn't go in. All in all, I've got some stuff to improve on significantly within tee to green and on the greens, and the fact that this is where I'm at right now is really cool. It's a little bit of a monkey off the back, a little bit of a weight lifted off my shoulders, just feeling like I have a little bit of house money now, which I play a little bit better from. Everybody I think does.

I'd like to take it into a strong next week and then start working myself more consistently into contention.

Q. Then that putt from the bush, can you talk us through that process?

JORDAN SPIETH: Yeah, you could probably hear all of it, but I couldn't get to it right-handed. It was going to be too hard. My hands were going to have to stop well short of the ball, and it wasn't until like the last second because I thought about left-handed, but I thought about left-handed with like an iron up to the side. It wasn't until the last second I was like, I've got a flat spot on the back of my putter I can at least nudge it up here, it's better than an unplayable, and dodged the bush.

I somehow made par. That was a steal. One of the better pars I've ever made to be honest because just getting it up-and-down from that third shot, it's a one in 20, let alone kind of getting it to there.

I was driving it really well up to that point, and unfortunately I didn't drive it well from there on in, and I didn't really catch -- sometimes you kind of catch -- I caught some breaks earlier this week when I've driven it off line, but I didn't there, and I didn't really on 13. You just have to be in the fairway, and if I hit a few more, I'd have maybe been able to work it to 18, 19, but I don't think I could have gotten to 23 today.

Q. Continuing the strong return in front of this unique crowd. Especially on 16, how easy or difficult is it for you to embrace how loud it is?

JORDAN SPIETH: At this point in my career, it is what it is. I certainly enjoy it. If a putt gets to the hole and if a really good putt misses, which I think they were booing what Maverick hit today, and I was like, all right, that was a perfect putt right across the lip. If you leave it short, I get it, but it is what it is.

If you don't like it, then you're really not going to like the experience. If you learn to embrace it, then you can have fun with it. Honestly it makes that hole a lot harder. That scoring average would be lower if it weren't for what your Thunderbirds do to set that hole up the way it is.

Q. It feels like throughout the week you had your entire bag, at least one point, as close as you could say to the top. What do you think you can take from that, having every part of your bag working at least at some point throughout the week?

JORDAN SPIETH: Yeah, I think it's a good point. I think today I stroked it the best. I did the whole week. I don't know, I think I was just somewhere around even. I never looked at the stats, but I was probably around even for the week putting, maybe gained a couple shots. But boy, did I burn a lot of edges. That happens out here. They're tough pins and they're tricky reads.

But my driver cracked last week, so I played with a cracked driver on the weekend, and I was trying to get into a driver this week, so it was a brand new one, and I honestly didn't drive the ball very well, and it's been a strength of mine. I'm going to need that next week, but I've got all the tools to be able to figure out if it's the same one that I make adjustment to or if I'm going to get into a different one.

But that was tough this week. I had a new putter and a new driver and a new wrist, and I was trying to figure out how to manage all three.

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