February 8, 2025
Bradenton, Florida, USA
Bradenton Country Club
Quick Quotes
Q. I'm here with Jin Young Ko after her third round at the Founders Cup. It was a bit of a slow start for you both. Can you explain maybe what was tricky about the first couple holes you guys played this morning?
JIN YOUNG KO: Actually, we had gusting in the front nine so it was hard to play. I think I need to adjust like how to play back nine.
After front nine, yeah, we made a lot of birdies, especially Yealimi. We had so much fun. Yeah, I did my best today. Just some putts like was just sneaky, so I would say I kept for tomorrow.
Q. When you made that first birdie on 8, did that help you feel like, yes, I can make birdies now? Were you feeling frustrated at all with the amount of pars?
JIN YOUNG KO: I mean, I don't care no matter what I play. Last year I realized after playoff at the Boston, after playoff a lot of like my friends and a lot of people texting me. I felt I am like I am a very lucky person in the world because so many friends said, you did great. I felt really loved.
So I don't care no matter what I play. I don't want to have any like disappoint myself. Just having fun on the course. Yeah, looking forward tomorrow.
Q. Obviously you and Yealimi went off towards the end of the day. Were you feeding off each other competitively since you were both playing so well?
JIN YOUNG KO: I don't think so. Golf is individual sport, so I just want to think other players how to play and then how to make birdies. Just trying to think myself and just having fun. This is like one of the normal day in my life, so, yeah, I don't want to think this putt is really, really special; you have to make it, like this.
I just want to think this is just golf. This is just putting.
Q. Yeah.
JIN YOUNG KO: So don't have any pressure. Just hit it. That's it.
Q. Last question: Still bogey-free through three rounds. I think this is maybe over 80 holes you've played without a bogey. How good does that feel? Is that something you think about, you want to really try and keep bogeys off, or is that just something that happens for you?
JIN YOUNG KO: Just something happen. Just I do my best just trying to think myself. I know what I have to do on the course, so if like miss the putt, bogey is fine. Just keep going.
One of the important thing is after bogey how to play. And then if I could like recovery bogey, fine. Just don't think about result. Just be present and one shot at a moment.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
