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February 4, 2025

Alexandra Swayne

Bradenton, Florida, USA

Bradenton Country Club

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: All right, welcome to the media center at the Founders Cup presented by U.S. Virgin Islands.

Very happy to welcome Alexandra Swayne, who's a sponsor invite with us this week. Since this is your second time playing on the LPGA Tour, played the U.S. Open before, I would love to get to know you a little bit. Tell us about yourself and your upbringing in the game of golf.

ALEXANDRA SWAYNE: So actually I started on Island. We had a golf course, Mahogany Run, on St. Thomas. I was up living in St. John at the time. I would take the ferry over. My Federation coach picked me and I was just part of the junior program and I just grew up playing on Island in the junior program.

Yeah, so I started there. I was part time there and part time in Cincinnati. I did online school so I could pursue golf, and traveled around and went to Clemson, graduated in three years. In 2020 I got my Tour Card on the Ladies European Tour and I've been there ever since.

So I'm overseas at the moment, so happy to be in the States and in Florida.

Q. As far as we know, we did a lot of research, you're the first ever player representing the U.S. Virgin Islands to make a start on the LPGA Tour. Maybe tell us what that means to you.

ALEXANDRA SWAYNE: Yeah, it's really cool. I'm super blessed and super grateful to be representing these three beautiful islands. I wouldn't want to be representing anyone else.

It's just really cool that I have this opportunity and I can show the beauty of these islands.

Q. I know especially after some hurricanes your dad was saying your home course is damaged.


Q. What does did mean to represent the game of golf knowing that the islands have taken some damage in the hurricanes?

ALEXANDRA SWAYNE: We would love to have the golf course back, so any opportunity I can to get the word out and try and show that we have a golf course. It's not there. We're going to try and bring it back. Our golf courses on St. Croix are still alive and well. We have two, Buccaneer and Carambola. Two different golf courses but gorgeous nonetheless.

So we have tourism on the islands, but unfortunately not where I am. It's cool. I don't have the opportunity like I would've on Island to practice, so I'm on an airport field. But I make due, and I'm just happy to have the patch on and represent these islands.

Q. Speaking of the patch, obviously the U.S. Virgin Islands is our presenting sponsor at the Founders Cup. How cool is it to see a partner that you work with really investing in the game of golf?

ALEXANDRA SWAYNE: It's awesome. They are super invested in their tourism and their sports tourism.

I know they have regattas, tri-athalons, some basketball tournaments. I mean, it's going to be really fun tomorrow. I'm going to have the whole federation out here and have some of the government as well as the tourism department.

Good to see them and see their faces. It's just really cool that they are taking interest in women's golf.

Q. I know you have full status on the LET this year. This is probably your first professional start of the year; is that right?

ALEXANDRA SWAYNE: I played NXXT mini tour in Florida. Yes, this is one the first.

Q. How are you going to use this week to help you prepare for the full season in Europe?

ALEXANDRA SWAYNE: I just need to treat this like every other event. After this event I'm going to the Sunshine Tour in South Africa and I'm kick starting my year here as well as over there.

I have to treat like it every other event. Obviously I am grateful to have the opportunity and I'll take advantage of that. I just -- it's just another event.

Q. Awesome. Tell us a little bit about your processes or what treating this like any other event might mean to you.

ALEXANDRA SWAYNE: Same as always. Just stick to my routine and process. I have a caddie that I know really well, so that's going to be great to have him on the bag.

I'll have my mother here throughout the week. Father is here now. Just trying to treat it like every other event, doing the same warmup and process on the golf course.

And always having fun. That's the most important.

Q. Have you set any goals for yourself this week maybe that you're trying to hit?

ALEXANDRA SWAYNE: To have fun and trust my process. (Smiling.) I know I'm a good player and I know I'm very capable, so no matter the field, again, grateful to be here, but hopeful to play my best.

Q. Any players you know out here, spend time with, any you're leaning on this week?

ALEXANDRA SWAYNE: Yeah, I know a few of the caddies. They've gone from the European Tour to here, so I know a few of them quite well. Some have caddied for me myself. I know some girls from the European Tour, girls from college, a teammate from college is here.

So I'm familiar with some of the faces and obviously you see them on TV.

Q. So my question one is: You talked a little bit about growing to love the game of golf on the U.S. Virgin Islands. Who are some of the LPGA Tour players and players globally you looked up to growing up?

ALEXANDRA SWAYNE: Actually Lexi Thompson. I was part time in Cincinnati and the golf course that you guys play the Kroger Classic at was my home golf course. They had a -- when I was in Cincinnati.

When I was growing up they had a junior event, I think PGA juniors. We had a girl staying at our house and her name was Sara Brown and she was best friends with Lexi, and Lexi showed up at my door and I was like, in shock. They going out to dinner.

I followed her and Sara Brown. I think they were competing for the lead. I always grew up watching her and just her strength and ability and she's super powerful out there and something I emulate in my own game.

Q. And you talked a little bit about it earlier, but being able to represent the U.S. Virgin Islands now, when you looked up to Lexi, is it like that way when maybe little girls see you on the golf course as well? What is that feeling like?

ALEXANDRA SWAYNE: I'm hopeful. I know there are some girls back on Island that I've grown up playing with that don't really have the opportunity anymore to play. I'm hopeful that they see my passion and see my drive and are able to put that in their own aspect in golf or in their schooling or whatever.

I'm hopeful that my drive can also help theirs.

Q. For people that might not know the most about your golf game, take us through what you think are some of your biggest strengths we'll see this week at the Founders Cup?

ALEXANDRA SWAYNE: My biggest strength, of course ball striking is really probably my best part of my game. Going to be a little bit windy, and I'm hopeful that I'm able to pierce the wind with some of my three-quarter shots.

Yeah, I just am really lighthearted on the golf course and I've got a caddie that can help me with that. I'm hopeful you can see me smiling down the fairways.

Q. What are some of the biggest lessons you've learned about the game, your game, the way you handle the pro game since turning professional?

ALEXANDRA SWAYNE: I mean, your rookie here you're going to make a million mistakes and you have to learn from them and grow. I'm super grateful to be overseas in Europe. Definitely grown as a golfer. We have so different conditions and different grasses over there, so many different experiences from culture to food to money, currency.

I'm just -- sorry, I forgot the question.

Q. What are your biggest lessons you learned since turning professional that maybe when you were an amateur you weren't focused on but now that you are professional you've really leaned into?

ALEXANDRA SWAYNE: Yeah, college golf they kind of babysit you and drag you around and do everything for you. I've had to plan where I'm staying, what I am eating, what I'm going to do, what events, caddie, that type of stuff. So I've definitely learned a lot from that.

Yeah, you're just learning so much. Every day. And I'm sure some of the seniors out here could say the same.

THE MODERATOR: Thank you so much for your time. Excited to have you this week.

ALEXANDRA SWAYNE: Thank you so much. Thank you guys for having me.

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