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February 2, 2025

Chase Elliott

Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Frontstretch Quotes

An Interview with:

Q. That race for you, you start on pole, how did you navigate it so well with all the lap traffic?

CHASE ELLIOTT: First off, just thanks, everybody, for coming out. Y'all made for a really fun environment for us. We don't race in stadiums like this. So it's just really cool. Appreciate y'all making that moment special for me and my team. This is awesome.

I know it's not a points race, but it is nice to win, for sure. Just really proud of our team for just continuing to keep our heads down and push forward, for sure.

Had a tough race. Ryan kept me honest there at the end. Denny was really good at the second half of that break. I just felt like he was kind of riding, and I was afraid to lose control of the race and not be able to get it back.

Yeah, fortunately it worked out. Great way to start the season. Huge thanks to everybody at Hendrick Motorsports, a lot of hard work over the off-season, NAPA Auto Parts, Chevrolet, some great partners. Excited to get to Daytona. It's a great way to start the season.

Q. You mentioned the fans, they're so passionate. What do you have to say to them?

CHASE ELLIOTT: Well, y'all deserved it. I hope it was a good show for you. This environment is special. This is a place that has had deep history in NASCAR. I think they deserve this event truthfully. I hope we didn't disappoint. It was fun for me at least. We'll hopefully come back here one day.

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