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February 1, 2025

Linn Grant

Orlando, Florida, USA

Lake Nona Golf & Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right here now with Linn Grant after her third round at the Hilton Grand Vacations Tournament of Champions. Another great round for you today. Take us through it.

LINN GRANT: Yeah, pretty similar like yesterday. Again, played very solid. Had a lot of greens hits today, so putted a lot of birdie putts.

Yeah, it was just like yesterday: Easygoing, great group. A lot of wait on the back nine, but that didn't seem to trouble us too much.

Q. How are you balancing being in contention versus it's the first tournament of the year, making sure your game is right?

LINN GRANT: I think for now my mindset is on the second part of that, really trying to figure out where I'm at, all the changes I've done, how that feels, and really just trying to get every shot as good as possible.

I think that mindset is good to have any week. It's just easier now than in the middle of the season, yeah.

Q. What was your best shot today?

LINN GRANT: Probably hitting into 18. It's always nice making good contact on the last hole and seeing that ball cover the pin.

Q. Seemed like you were dialed in early going birdie, birdie. How does it feel to get out of the gate like that and also try to keep that momentum?

LINN GRANT: Yeah, I think that's probably the toughest part. I think it's way easier to kind of ease your way into a low round than coming out with a lot of birdies in the beginning.

It's easy to kind of get away with your thoughts thinking like, oh, I'm already 2-under. I could be 7-under after today. So sometimes I don't mind making a bogey because it kind of settles me a little bit. Keeps me grounded so to say, yeah.

Q. What happened on the third hole?

LINN GRANT: I pulled it left from the fairway. Had a quite difficult chip so double chipped it, yeah.

Q. One more from me: When you are facing a deficit like you are going into a round like today and kind of the same mindset for tomorrow, do you have a number in your head that you're trying to get to, or do you think, okay, if I can get to X I know I can potentially win?

LINN GRANT: I don't think I will. I've been trying not to. But I'm also trying to think that if I can have like four rounds under par that usually gives me a good spot at the end of the week.

So that's more where I'm thinking about it.

Q. They were mentioning on TV that you had changed your putter grip. How difficult was it to make that change? Are you seeing results this week?

LINN GRANT: Yeah, it actually wasn't too difficult. What made me change was really kind of more of like facts of how my body wants to move, if that makes sense. When I changed the grip and putted with it the first couple putts kind of felt very natural so the change wasn't too bad.

For sure now putting out here today there are some putts where I'm just like, is that me or is that a bad read? Like that is so bad. So there is still progress to make.

Q. When did you actually start making that change?

LINN GRANT: I think it was like the week after Christmas, something like that.

Q. So this really is the first test?

LINN GRANT: Yeah, it's the first test. I feel like it's working. Even though mentally I'm not putting as confident as I would like, my putting is still better, which I think is setting me up for a good season hopefully.

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