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February 1, 2025

Joe Pavelski

Orlando, Florida, USA

Lake Nona Golf & Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Joe, back here again right now leading the tournament. Everyone is coming after you tomorrow. What's that kind of thought process?

JOE PAVELSKI: That's a great question because I really haven't been here that much. Definitely not in a long time.

No, I think when you go into the tournament this is right where you want to be. You know looking at tomorrow from playing professional sports, hockey, playoffs, coming down the stretch, big games, you're always going to face a little adversity. Going to hit a few shots that I probably won't care for.

So try to keep it on the tracks and just respond to them well. It's very similar I think how today went. You know, as the round got going it was very good; became a lot easier than it did yesterday.

There were still moments on this round, like 15 I believe, you kind of make a mistake and hit it in the weeds there.

Just respond with a great shot and get that up and down.

Q. If you take a look at the leaderboard, you, Mardy Fish, Jack Wagner, Mark Mulder, and Annika Sorenstam. Annika has 72 career wins on the LPGA Tour and she's used to --

JOE PAVELSKI: It's not fair.

Q. She's used to a tough Sunday. Who gets your nerves up a little bit more when you have one of the best all-time ever of a sport playing their sport and you're lined up with a tennis player, baseball player, yourself?

JOE PAVELSKI: The game of golf. The game of golf gets my nerves up. It was there on the first tee again today, as it's been the other three days; handled it well.

But that's why we enjoy this event so much, why we want to be able to compete against all the people that are here, is to feel that at times and try -- give a swing and see what happens.

You know, it's not going to be great all the time. When you hit a good one, you know, you kind of laugh about it and feel good. Yeah, she'll be coming. Fish, he's been there playing great for a while now, Mulder, they'll find a way to get it going I'm sure.

It's a situation where you're going to have to be smart but be aggressive at times and a few things will have to go right.

Q. Your back nine today, four birdies, five pars. That's pretty solid for anyone. Is that what you hope to replicate tomorrow?

JOE PAVELSKI: That's exactly. I would take that all day long and we would be extremely happy with that.

No, I had it started on 9 when Queen holed -- you know, hit a great 4-iron into that green. Staring at a good one, and queen is down there in the bunker and the sound of it all, it was just pure.

To see it go in the hole for her for an eagle was awesome. She had a great crowd around her today and you were kind of feeding off that. We were enjoying it. Fish and I were enjoying that as much as anyone I think watching her game.

And then she holed out again on 14 I believe it was out of the bunker.

That's what I've seen for two days now, is her short game on display. She just hit it so solid, and any time she's gotten into trouble she's been electric out of it. Been fun.

Try to replicate and keep it in the tracks and just enjoy being out there with them.

Q. Will you change anything that you've done the last three nights or three mornings?

JOE PAVELSKI: Oh, man, not really. Not really. We will see where the night goes. We'll do a few things. Yeah, we've had steaks, pizza, some refreshments. It's been good. It's fun coming to this, especially knowing what tomorrow will be like. Feel like at times and just try to find a nice rhythm.

Q. Obviously Hilton Grand Vacations puts on a great show. Multiple-time entertainer of the year, Luke Bryan tonight. Are you looking forward to that?

JOE PAVELSKI: Currently right now it's scary to me. It's very scary. Definitely going to go enjoy it. We'll try it scale it back a little bit knowing what tomorrow will be like.

But we're going to have fun. Big fan of country music, big fan of him, and big fan of everyone that's around here. Knowing that there will be a good crows and everyone that's here will be there, it's just a special week.

I think the night will be fun being around everyone that way. There will be good energy there. We'll try to keep it on the tracks and get off to a good start tomorrow.

Q. You were talking about coaching your kids' hockey team. Have they been texting you pointers about the round or what they want to see you do?

JOE PAVELSKI: Not yet. Not as much. Yeah, both myself and my other coach, Luke Stauffacher, he's on a ski trip right now. We had an off week and so we had someone come in. Woodsy came in and ran a good practice from what I've heard early on here.

I think anything when you come with kids, around kids, coaching them, raising them, you need a lot of help along the way. You give them what you can. I'm sure it's a great break. I'm sure they're annoyed listening to me all the time and Luke.

I'm excited to hear how practice went today and see them next week.

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