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February 1, 2025

Lauren Coughlin

Orlando, Florida, USA

Lake Nona Golf & Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Lauren Coughlin after her third round at the Hilton Grand Vacations Tournament of Champions. Lauren, really good day today. Just tell us about the highlights of the day.

LAUREN COUGHLIN: Yeah, I started out with a bogey, but just I got kind of unlucky where I ended up. Didn't hit that bad of a shot. It can happen out here. Can take some weird ridges. I just started making 12- to 15-footers I hadn't been making the last couple days.

Hit a really great shot on 14 when they moved it up today. Hit 3-wood on the green.

Yeah, but other than that, I think I just played super solid, steady. Wouldn't say -- didn't really stuff anything. Just plodded along really well. Made a couple putts. Unfortunate bogey on the last. Other than that really good day.

Q. I know this is your first time here. Now that you have three rounds with different celebrities under your belt how much fun are you having? Tell us a little bit about the experience.

LAUREN COUGHLIN: Yeah, it's been really fun, really cool. I played with Blake Griffin and Chandler Parsons on Thursday and that was a party. They were a blast. So fun. Very chill.

Yesterday I played with Michael and an amateur and Michael was really nice, really good golfer. You know, was asking me all about my equipment.

Today I played with Aaron Hicks and Jack Wagner. My mom and grandmother were like dying that I was playing with Jack Wagner today. But he was super nice.

I mean, he was the most popular by far of who I played with. Every lady that seemed like walked by wanted a picture with him. But he was super nice and did every single one.

Did a short video for my mom and grandmother so that was really cool.

Q. And how is the course treating you? What do you like, don't like about it the past couple rounds?

LAUREN COUGHLIN: Yeah, I just feel like it's pretty generous off the tee. You really, really have to control your golf ball with your irons. There is a lot of fall-offs and drop-offs and ridges that if you get on the wrong side of them they can be really tricky.

I feel like I've done a good job making sure I don't get in too bad of places. Yeah, I would say I haven't putted my best, but they're starting to go in.

Q. I know this is your office, business, work. It's a unique format this wreak. You talked about how much fun it is to have the celebrities mixed into the event. I guess the position you're in it's not too much of a distraction because you're in good shape. It is a unique format in a good way or are you feeling like you're not entirely able to focus on what you're out here to accomplish?

LAUREN COUGHLIN: Yeah, I would say Thursday was a little bit different. Like I said, Blake and Chandler were so much fun and I had a blast playing with them. I saw them the next morning on the driving range and they were like, let's go Lauren, cheering for me and stuff.

They were not as like -- not that they're not serious golfers, but they're just here to have fun and a good time, so it was a little bit different. Michael Pena and Jack and Aaron are like very good golfers and they're taking it a little bit differently.

So I would say it was a little bit different and hard on Thursday and it's been a little bit easier the last couple days. But not in a bad way. I don't mean that. The.

Q. I wasn't trying to set you up for a negative response.


Q. Of course with to golf tournament there is a lot more going on than just the golf. The parents, concerts. All the other celebrities over 50 in the field. Have you had a chance to take advantage of any of the concerts? Met any other celebrities besides the ones you played with?

LAUREN COUGHLIN: No one else really. My husband and I went to Three Doors Down on Thursday. Going to Luke Bryan tonight. Three Doors Down was like my high school -- it was incredible. I had never seen them in person so that was really cool and fun.

Yeah, I've seen a bunch around. Like the best man at our wedding is a huge Creed fan and we found out Scott Phillips, the drummer, is playing in this. We really want to get a picture with him but haven't gotten the opportunity to yet.

But, no, it's been really cool. I've said hi to Brian Baumgartner. I love The Office. It's been really cool, and also like seeing how nice everybody is. It's been a real blast.

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