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January 31, 2025

Jeremy Roenick

Orlando, Florida, USA

Lake Nona Golf & Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, welcome Jeremy Roenick back to the Hilton Grand Vacations media center. You are in a good position after the round yesterday. You moved up about six spots with the par on 18. Can you walk us through your round and then also talk a little bit about 18?

JEREMY ROENICK: 18 is scary. I doubled it yesterday. Coming into today was one of those holes you just have to get it in the fairway. I knew that if I par'd in I would be in the Top 5, Top 3.

I had that for five holes coming in. I knew if I just made pars coming in I'm going to be okay. I'm going to put myself in position. I did that. I made five or six pars coming in and I'm really comfortable.

I'm really happy, especially knowing that today was a grind and the weekend is -- now we're going to go pin seeking. Now it's going to be fun.

Q. You mentioned a few minutes ago it's hot. It's a grind. How much does that change your approach when you know you might be teeing off later and you know the temperatures will be rising?

JEREMY ROENICK: You know the ball is going to go further. The ball is going to react a little bit differently when it gets warmer and hotter. You got to be very cognizant of that, but you also don't want to make a mistake.

I was right in that area that if I made a mistake I knew I was going to drop down a couple points. To be able to stay focused and hit the ball and really get a lot out of the golf ball. Because the weather did get warm. The ball really was jumping.

I was five or ten yards further off the tee because of the weather. I took advantage of it. It was great.

Q. Your sport of the hockey is very, very different than this sport of the golf. There are some similarities. You're playing in a four to five hour round of golf. Your hockey shift is not that long. What are some comparisons that you can take from both games?

JEREMY ROENICK: Well, there is mo patience in hockey. You have to have patience in golf. There are times I'm literally sitting there and I'm going off to the side literally to take a quick nap. Literally, you have that ability to do that who are.

It was a five hour round today. Very difficult to stay focused. Hockey there is no naps. I can get away and stay focused and just stay prepared in the golf game here, which is nice.

But, again, you have to stay in the game. It's just as hard mentally in golf as hockey. You have to be in it even if you take breaks.

Q. Joe Pavelski was in here earlier. Had nothing but glowing things to say about you. Do you have any other message for Joe as a follow up to yesterday's comments?

JEREMY ROENICK: I love Joe. I was with Joe when he started his career. I can say that I helped him get into Tahoe. I am the reason he's in Tahoe.

Q. Yeah.

JEREMY ROENICK: But he is the reason why he has a chance to win every year. He's the best hockey golfer out there right now.

I really was not happy that he was in this field this week. Only because I want to win and Joe takes that opportunity away from me a little bit. I love Joe Pavelski. He has a grind and determination and a knack for being just super, being great.

Golf is no different than hockey was for him. He is a precision person, precision in hockey and golf. I want to beat his ass so bad this week it's crazy, but I love Joe Pavelski. He's like my little brother.

Q. How often do you play golf?

JEREMY ROENICK: Not enough. He lives in Wisconsin. Not enough golf up there in the wintertime. He's just a good person. He loves the game. He's just naturally talented. He's got a young son that he is totally enthralled with. Joe Pavelski is my hero actually. I love him.

Q. Grew up in the Boston area. Do you still get back up there from time to time?

JEREMY ROENICK: Yeah, be there next week. Be there two weekends for the final of the Four Nations Cup. I'm going to be there and have some fun. I live in San Diego. I'm not going to leave there any time soon. I love it there.

It's the best weather in the world. I'm very fortunate to be able to play golf and do what I like to do. I'm going to stay there.

Q. Joe actually had a very specific memory. It was either his rookie or second year. He said that you took him to play Pebble Beach for the first time. Is there anything that you remember? Do you remember doing that?


Q. What was that like to know that he still talks about that being such a fond memory?

JEREMY ROENICK: Because I have similar stories that I had with Steve Larmer, Michel Goulet and Chris Chelios. I remember going to play Pebble Beach with Joe. Then when I saw his true amazing golf skills.

He's got one the best set of hands I've ever seen. Reason why I scored so many goals when he couldn't skate, right? That's an amazing achievement for him.

But I remember it, and like I said, Joe is like my little brother. My wife used to cook dinners for him and he used to come over. You know, he grew into one of the best leaders in the game. I'm really proud that I can say that I was a part, small part of his growth. Yeah, it's pretty cool.

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