January 31, 2025
Orlando, Florida, USA
Lake Nona Golf & Country Club
Quick Quotes
Q. All right, here with A Lim Kim our clubhouse leader. Just tell me about the day today. Maybe how today and yesterday compared.
A LIM KIM: Yeah, still good. Different as yesterday, wind different direction, but still fun.
Q. What were some of the highlights out there for you today, maybe a shot or hole?
A LIM KIM: Yeah, some shot, some putt, some chip. Yeah, that's all.
Q. Nothing stood out?
A LIM KIM: Yeah, nothing special.
Q. Just routine. All right.
A LIM KIM: Yeah.
Q. What was your favorite part of the offseason?
A LIM KIM: Offseason?
Q. Yeah.
A LIM KIM: A lot of eat.
Q. A lot of what?
Q. Eating. Like what?
A LIM KIM: Meat.
Q. Nice.
A LIM KIM: Spice food.
Q. Were you able to have a celebration from your victory?
A LIM KIM: Yeah, just try. Uh-huh.
Q. When did you get back to work on your game?
A LIM KIM: What did you mean?
Q. How much time did you take off in the offseason?
A LIM KIM: For one month. Yeah, after CME I'm still one month rest from there.
Q. How is your outlook going into this year different given how well you finished 2024?
A LIM KIM: 2024 I remind my game. 130 yard a little bit not bad, but not too good, so I want to change my shape, more fade. That is more comfortable. More high percentage my coach tell me.
So I'm going to change any shape from now. Feel not familiar but still better than last year.
Q. You started working on this in the offseason?
A LIM KIM: Yeah, but not long time, but just --
Q. Just a few weeks?
A LIM KIM: Three weeks, two weeks. Better than draw, yeah, I felt.
Q. Had you played a draw your whole career?
A LIM KIM: Yeah, whole career. I'm good draw player, but 130 inside draw is very low percentage. Just my opinion.
Q. So is this the same coach you've had for a long time?
A LIM KIM: Yes, same coach, yeah.
Q. Is everything you're hitting off the tee now a fade or do you still draw it sometimes?
A LIM KIM: I can do both. More used to fade. Yeah, last year I'm not used to fade, but I'm going to try more fade from now.
Q. Also, yesterday you said that you usually spend January working on your body and not so much on your swing. Are you surprised a little bit that in focusing on your body you are playing as well with the swing that you have?
A LIM KIM: I don't know that's why. I don't know. That's golf. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. I don't know what's coming. But I'm still working, focus on my (indiscernible) and not result.
So, yeah. Same thing. Yeah.
Q. What are you trying to work on with your body? What is your goal?
A LIM KIM: My goal is better than last year, better than yesterday. I focus on improve. Not focus any something, but I want to more great mobility, more great strength, and then more good power. That's all.
Q. How does it feel to have everyone chasing you at the top of the leaderboard?
A LIM KIM: Tight. Really tight my body from now. Three months later getting better. Yeah, my body exactly great start three months later. I can't wait.
Q. Do you feel a pressure to stay where you are on the leaderboard this weekend?
A LIM KIM: No. I don't think so because I already know what I need, what I do, then hit it. That's all. So always my focus same as yesterday, same as today, tomorrow, everything same.
I chose my line and then hit it. That's all.
Q. That's it.
A LIM KIM: Yeah.
Q. I can't help but think back to 2020 when you won the U.S. Women's Open. How much do you feel like you've changed as a person? How comfortable are you now just in that ability alone out here?
A LIM KIM: When I was came U.S. everything is uncomfortable because food, language, and then grass, people, everything.
But I don't have a choice. I want to play in LPGA, so just try. More I learn English and more learn grass and more learn everything. I have more time getting better everything, yeah.
Q. Do you have an English tutor? Did you hire an English instructor?
Q. Did you still work with someone?
A LIM KIM: Yes. I really try hard but I -- English very hard.
Q. You're doing great.
A LIM KIM: Really hard. From now really pressure for me. Really pressure.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
