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January 31, 2025

Mardy Fish

Orlando, Florida, USA

Lake Nona Golf & Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Mardy Fish here. You are currently leading the field with 68 points. Just one point ahead of Derek Lowe, 67 points obviously a good round out there today. Talk about the conditions and how you played.

MARDY FISH: Yeah, conditions are pretty perfect yesterday and today. Golf course is playing tough. I hit the ball great today as opposed to yesterday. Not played very well yesterday certainly on the front nine. Six bogeys.

So nice to put that nine hole behind me and shoot 1-under on the back yesterday to kind of get a little bit of momentum in. I started well today and just never really -- I've missed probably five or six, no joke, five or six foot putts out here in the two rounds.

Bunch of three putts today as well. So I know I can putt better, and I will.

Q. Couple other players right behind you. What do you think about the other top players?

MARDY FISH: The field is awesome. This is as good of a sort of competitive on our celebrity division as we can get. You know, minus maybe Steph and Tony Romo who would be missing if there was -- who would play in the American Sentry.

Jeff McNeil, you get some guys -- obviously Jeff won last year. I still haven't played with him or actually seen him hit a ball. I know he's a lefty; so am I. Lefties tend to stick together and root for each other.

It was nice to see a new kind of new face out here and a new really good player. You want good competition. You want to show that we're not just one-sport guys out here or one-entertainment people out here. That we can play a little bit of golf, too.

Yeah, so then obviously Joe Pavelski, he's one of the best players out here for sure. He'll win this it. He's going to win the American Sentry for sure, if not this year. He's phenomenal and he'll win a lot out here.

It's great to have those guys in a tournament that they usually wouldn't be in.

Q. You've had great success in these celebrity golf tournaments. How much time are you committing to the game of golf? Do you still play tennis?

MARDY FISH: I don't play as much as people think. I probably play a couple times a month maybe. I may play two or three times in a week and not play for a couple weeks.

I have a lot of the different interests and a lot of interests that sort of the pull my attention away from golf. Playing 18 holes takes far too long, time that I have.

So I also belong to country clubs in Los Angeles that are walking as well. If I lived in Lake Nona I feel like I would probably play a lot more. You can get around pretty quickly in a golf cart like that. We're walking courses in Los Angeles so it takes quite a bit of time.

And then I don't play very much tennis at all anymore. If I'm playing, it's usually with my son who's starting to pick it up a little bit, which he's playing a little more tennis than golf which I'm not too happy about. He's a good golfer so I hope he sticks to golf.

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