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January 31, 2025

Linn Grant

Orlando, Florida, USA

Lake Nona Golf & Country Club


Q. Started this day five back of the lead. Thanks to the closing eagle you're in the mix heading into the weekend. What was the game plan coming into the round today?

LINN GRANT: I mean, I played well yesterday. My goal this week was just to have like four rounds under par to get a good start to the season and have a good feeling of the year.

So today was just about go out and do the same thing as I did on the back nine yesterday. Yeah, just have fun and take it easy and not have too many expectations on myself.

Q. Speaking of fun, this is by far one of most honest unique events on the LPGA Tour schedule. How would you describe the experience?

LINN GRANT: It's fun. I mean, yesterday kind of takes a hole or two before you get into it. Like obviously everyone doesn't play on Tour so we have a little rule, so to say. Just things that we know, like where to stand, what to do, where to go, where not to go.

And then this week you have to be a little bit more aware, a little bit more chill, that it's just fine. Which I really enjoy once you get into it.

Q. Very interesting. You put some new gear into your bag. Switched out quite a few clubs. You seem to be adjusting quite well. Describe to us what that possession is for you in adjusting to new equipment?

LINN GRANT: Yeah, like I said, before, I try to always find things, new clubs that I don't have to adjust to that just fits my swing. Ping is obviously really tweaking shafts and clubs to fit me where I want them to.

Also have a new putter this year. Changed a lot in my putting technique. Going out these two days I'm just trying to think of like -- not think too much and like I said, not too many expectations. Just feel where it is with everything.

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