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January 31, 2025

Derek Lowe

Orlando, Florida, USA

Lake Nona Golf & Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Okay, here with Derek Lowe tied for the lead with Mardy Fish. Tell us about the lead here today.

DEREK LOWE: Yeah, I think it was -- started off a little slow. Didn't lit a lot of greens. Overall I'm happy with it. We're halfway through. Obviously I'm coming off a little bit of a sour note, double on the last hole. It is what it is.

Just want to be in contention. You never know what's going to happen on the weekend. Mardy and the same guys are up there. They're very good golfers and happy to be in contention.

Q. Speaking of playing with Mardy today, you guys feeding off each other and competing out there?

DEREK LOWE: Yeah, he's one of my good friends and I love this event for this reason. I was very fortunate yesterday to play with Nelly and Annika. That was a treat.

So, yeah, it's golf. You know, you're going to hit good shots, bad shots. Again, at least you have a chance coming the next two days.

Q. Obviously having lots of fun out here, too. You played with Nelly yesterday, Pajaree today. Just how much fun do you have...

DEREK LOWE: They don't miss many shots, I can tell you that. It's such an honor playing with the LPGA girls. I think missed four fairways combined the last two days.

They're great. I try to watch, maybe ask a few questions along the way. But, yeah, it's an honor to be here. Hilton does an amazing job. Again, two more days.

Q. Questions?

DEREK LOWE: How did I skull it on 18? Pretty easy.

Q. You've played this tournament a number of times. What is it that keeps bringing you back? Talk about the evolution of the tournament you've seen over the years?

DEREK LOWE: Yeah, we started off at Tranquilo, Four Seasons. With all due respect, this is a little bit better venue.

Very tough golf course. Really is. I feel like for some reason it just suits my eye. I've had success here.

Q. Yeah.

DEREK LOWE: Yeah, this was a great move to Lake Nona. Fabulous golf course. Tremendous shape. Yeah, it's a great move.

Q. Any of the celebrities new to the tournament this year that you're looking forward to meeting?

DEREK LOWE: Great question. Actually it's crazy. You think you would see everybody but we really don't. We do our own thing. Sounds stupid.

It's such an honor to meet anybody. You go out there with Mardy Fish, whoever it is, great camaraderie, great guys. I just look forward to who I play within the next two days. Hopefully Nelly.

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