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January 30, 2025

Cheyenne Knight

Orlando, Florida, USA

Lake Nona Golf & Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Cheyenne Knight after her first round at the Hilton Grand Vacations Tournament of Champions. Just how does it feel to tee it up for the first time in 2025?

CHEYENNE KNIGHT: It's great. Been a long time off, probably like two months. Yeah, super fun. I had a great group. I really enjoyed playing with Charles and Dwight.

Yeah, it was fun. Knocked a little bit of the rust off, so yeah, three more days.

Q. I remember talking to you at The ANNIKA saying you were a little disappointed you weren't going to make CME. How good does it feel to get off to this start and really build some momentum?

CHEYENNE KNIGHT: Yeah, I didn't really have any expectations for today. Kind of I have some new equipment, different kind of swing thoughts, so it was good to piece it all together.

Just honestly playing competitively. You can play in practice, but playing competitively is the main test.

Q. What is it about this tournament that's maybe kind of a good kick starter? It's a little bit more laid back, relaxed. Does it help you - experiment might not be the right word - but try some new things, see what works, see what doesn't?

CHEYENNE KNIGHT: Yeah, it's good. Like it's a little bit more laid back. Yeah, like if things don't -- weren't going really you can make some tweaks kind of later in the season and even next week in Bradenton.

Yeah, it's good. I feel like just everyone -- yeah, we don't play really with each other. It's just trying to get back into the groove of things. It's a really laid back environment to be able to do that.

Q. What are the big goals you have for the 2025 season?

CHEYENNE KNIGHT: Yeah, gosh, you know, that's a good question. Just probably like be like consistent, improve. Just kind of like see some improvement and just can the process. You know, it's very cliche but just try to get a little bit better.

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