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January 30, 2025

Patty Tavatanakit

Orlando, Florida, USA

Lake Nona Golf & Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, very pleased to be joined by Patty Tavatanakit after her first round at the Hilton Grand Vacations Tournament of Champions. Just take us through the round today. How was it to tee it up for the first round of 2025?

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: I'm a little exhausted from walking 18 hole for the first time this year. Overall, I feel like I had a lot of fun out there. I got to play with two NFL players, and, yeah, really nice to get to meet them. Talked a little bit about like different perspectives in our sports, and, yeah, it's just had so much fun today.

I feel like golf was probably six out of ten but kept it together and scored really well.

Q. And just take us through the offseason. What did you work on? What did you do? Anything fun?

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: Traveled a little bit. Went back it Asia right after Grant Thornton and, yeah, just had a good time. Went to Korea for a few days. Went to Japan. Had a blast there. I hate our much. Got to be in fluff -- snow oops went to see only families in China and flew back here, back home in Orlando. I've been grinding so much the past month and just to try to get ready for the season.

Q. And how does the game feel as we just started the season?

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: I still -- eel like I still have a lot to work on despite playing really well today, scoring really well, which is a good thing. I feel like just -- I'm just looking forward to this year and just working really hard and, yeah, just get the flow going.

Q. Being you're Orlando based, do you get a chance to come to Lake Nona other times?

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: Yeah, I play here quite a bit, so it's kind of like my like home course but not really because I'm a member at Isleworth, and Tavistock owns Isleworth and Lake Nona. I get to come out here and play a couple rounds with the pros who are members here. I feel like I know that course just at the back of my head.

Still a tournament everything is going to be different so I treated it a little differently.

Q. What's the biggest difference perhaps between Isleworth and Lake Nona?

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: I think the grass. They overseed the grass here so it's a little bit different. Isleworth has a little bit more of a true bermuda. We just opened up after our one-year renovation and I had a chance to play a couple rounds before this tournament, and, yeah, it was really fun.

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