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January 30, 2025

A Lim Kim

Orlando, Florida, USA

Lake Nona Golf & Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with A Lim Kim, clubhouse leader. 7-under, bogey-free. Tell me about the day today.

A LIM KIM: It was good.

Q. Yeah.

A LIM KIM: My shot is good. Putting it good. Everything is good. Cool.

Q. How much have you been practicing this offseason? I know you live near here. How much have you been practicing?

A LIM KIM: Just for two weeks, and after CME after back to Korea for three weeks and a half and then back to Orlando again.

In January I focus on my body, not practicing. But today really surprised, yeah.

Q. You went off the back; Top 3 went off the back. Any significance of scoring early off the back?

A LIM KIM: No. I'm not thinking about that on the course, yeah.

Q. Is the back playing any easier than the front? Is it easy to get scoring good on the back?

A LIM KIM: I feel same thing.

Q. Looked like you chipped in on 13.

A LIM KIM: Yeah.

Q. Walk us through that.

A LIM KIM: That hole little tricky landing line. I think lucky, yeah. Good lucky ball.

Q. Your first time here, four years ago, three years ago?

A LIM KIM: Three years ago, 2022.

Q. Your best score that year was 70. This year five shots better already.

A LIM KIM: Yeah.

Q. What's the difference between that experience and coming back this year?

A LIM KIM: More than experience and then last year my (indiscernible) is strong, but last year after I thought draw is very low percentage because not in control, so I'm going to change my shape. I can the draw but mostly try to fade so more in control, yeah.

Q. Have you had a chance to play Lake Nona outside of this tournament at all?

A LIM KIM: Sorry?

Q. Other than that tournament, have you ever played the Lake Nona course?

A LIM KIM: No. No. Only in Isleworth.

Q. Can you talk a little bit about some of the challenges of playing both in the U.S. and Korea? Do you have to worry about things like jet lag? What are some of the challenges you phase?

A LIM KIM: Long time ago, no, three weeks, four weeks ago I'm arrive here already, so I'm not worry about jet lag.

Just worry about practicing, because in January I focus really, really on body, weight training, and then some strength training. My body training. Not focus on practicing.

But this week I feel really great. I don't know. I don't know.

Q. Are there any differences between this type of a tournament where you have the celebrities and all the fans?

A LIM KIM: Yeah.

Q. What's the fan base like, differences between the Korean fan base and the American fan base?

A LIM KIM: This tournament special for me because I play with some celebrity, but they are really nice to me, so not much nervous in the morning, yeah. So really great for me, yeah.

Q. Three years ago were you at Isleworth then?

A LIM KIM: No, no. Two years ago I'm start to practice in Isleworth. I learned bermuda, maybe more than three years ago, so more familiar from now. Yeah.

Q. Along those lines, being able to practice at Isleworth, does that prepare you at all for coming to Lake Nona?


Q. What is the best part about the preparation you can do at Isleworth to get ready for this?

A LIM KIM: Because Isleworth and Lake Nona not too different grass types. I was more comfortable from now.

And then that result today my condition getting better, more than, yeah, other way. Isleworth really great practice area.

Q. Do you like basketball?

A LIM KIM: Yeah. Yeah.

Q. Did you have fun playing with Courtney Lee?

A LIM KIM: Yeah.

Q. Did you ask him about basketball?

A LIM KIM: Yeah, he hit almost same as my driver, so I'm really surprised. I've never seen that. I really good experience and then really fun and then nice to him, yeah.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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