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January 18, 2025

Aleksandar Vukic

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Press Conference

J. DRAPER/A. Vukic

6-4, 2-6, 5-7, 7-6, 7-6

THE MODERATOR: Gallant effort. Do you take much pride obviously in how you pushed the No. 15 seed?

ALEKSANDAR VUKIC: Definitely. You know, very bittersweet, but yeah, I have nothing to be ashamed of. I played a really good match from my end. Left it all out there.

Jack is an incredible competitor who I have a lot of respect for. Yeah, unfortunately, one of us had to win. So congrats to him.

It's one of those that I'll take a lot of confidence from moving forward for the rest of the year, but yeah, right now looking forward to some rest as well (smiling).


Q. We saw you jump straight on the bike immediately as you got off the court. What's going through your mind after four hours of battle like that and losing such a tight battle? What are the emotions?

ALEKSANDAR VUKIC: Honestly, not much. I think because I -- yeah, because I, you know, pushed myself a lot in that match, it was kind of just, you know, I really don't have that much energy to process much, but I think, you know, it's such a mix, because I can't be disappointed with how I played or how I competed.

To be honest, playing these three matches in front of this crowd is just so -- it's such an honor. It's just sad that I can't play it again until next year, but it's something that I'm so happy that I also experienced and hopefully keep experiencing and hopefully keep pushing myself and these guys every time I step on the court.

Q. You talked about the last round being a career-best win. It's the furthest you've been in a Grand Slam. Two top-20 wins at the end of last year. You must feel like you are in a good place with your tennis to really launch this year.

ALEKSANDAR VUKIC: Definitely. Yeah, definitely. I finished last year pretty strong and got some good wins. I think also playing, you know, this much tennis gives me a lot of confidence in my game, in my fitness, and having to keep this level up for five sets I think does give me a lot of confidence.

I think it's something that I need to take a lot of positives on and reflect on when I'm done here. I still have doubles tomorrow. Then push on for the rest of the season because it's a long season. I have to be strong and got to use it as much as I can.

Q. Just with these sort of opportunities and you playing the big stadium courts, do you have national aspirations as well? You want to play the big Davis Cups, the big events in the future?

ALEKSANDAR VUKIC: Obviously, yeah. Representing Australia would be such a privilege. I mean, I get to experience it week in, week out, and obviously it would be in a different format if it does happen.

You know, I want to accomplish as much as I can. Whether that's going deep in a slam, representing Davis Cup, going deep in Masters, I want to push whatever I can.

Q. I don't know how well you remember exact points, especially in the blur of it, but the 5-6 point in the tiebreak win, Jack ran into the net and made the winner, and he slid so close to the net. I mean, I looked at the replay, and I don't... Were you aware how close he was, and did you consider asking for the video review, which you could have asked for at that point?

ALEKSANDAR VUKIC: No. I didn't think he touched the net. Honestly, I didn't focus on it too much. It just kind of happened. I guess it's the umpire's job at the end of the day as well.

Q. You must have been aware that he played two five-setters in the run-up to that. Was there anything in your mind saying, He must get tired at some point, he must at some point?

ALEKSANDAR VUKIC: Definitely. I think it was a mental battle. I think we're both pretty buggered. In the five sets, there's such a momentum swing, and there's such -- there are so many dips.

Sometimes looking over at your opponent in certain rallies, you can kind of sense things. There was moments throughout that third to fifth set that I'm playing points, and I see him tired, but then it's also -- I'm sure he looks at me, and we get this energy, and then we're running for the next two games. It's kind of like this.

It's such a battle, but it's so -- that's what makes it so great. I think that's why these five-setters are so elite. That's why people love it because it's so many ups and downs. It's like, oh, it looks like he's out of it, and then suddenly, you know, he's sprinting side to side. I'm, like, come on, just relax (laughing).

Q. Just getting back to what Courtney was talking with with Davis Cup, Lleyton was obviously watching tonight. You know a few of the guys that are in that squad are injured at the moment, and even Popyrin wasn't in that squad, and he's sore too. Have they said anything to you about being on standby or anything like that? Any communication with you about...

ALEKSANDAR VUKIC: No, no communication. Obviously a few guys are injured, and Lleyton was there, and it was very nice to have his support. Yeah, my full focus was on the match, and I'm grateful that he was able to support me. Yeah, we'll see moving forward.

Q. Goals for this year, you've obviously been in the top 50 before. That would be obviously the first thing you would like to do. Do you have any sort of big specific goals for this season?

ALEKSANDAR VUKIC: Not really. I think, yeah, top 50 obviously, but I feel like now it's kind of maybe my sixth year on tour, and it sometimes like goals are good, but it's, like, you just have to focus on the match at hand.

Yeah, I just kind of want to go as far as I can. I think playing these matches, winning some of them gives me confidence that I can compete with anyone. So it's just using that and seeing what the ranking is at the end of the year.

Q. Sounds like you are prioritizing sort of getting further into the Grand Slams rather than having specific ranking goals?

ALEKSANDAR VUKIC: Yeah, yeah. I think my next tournament is Dallas. So, yeah, I would be focusing on that. But yeah, it's so tough because there are so many ups and downs. Yeah, I don't try to look too far ahead.

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