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January 18, 2025

Jack Draper

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Press Conference

J. DRAPER/A. Vukic

6-4, 2-6, 5-7, 7-6, 7-6


Q. How are you feeling?

JACK DRAPER: Yeah, I feel good. Another long match. Obviously it was a really high level, both of us. Played great. I thought that he produced some amazing tennis, especially in the big moments on the big points, and he competed incredibly well, as well.

Yeah, I don't know. Another long one, but a great contest.

Q. Do we need to start calling you Marathon Man, or...

JACK DRAPER: I don't know. It's not something that I'm used to being called, to be honest (laughing). Usually done after two sets, but you know, I think it's a real testament to the work I've put in physically and the competitive side of things and the mental part as well. So very proud of my efforts so far.

Q. After the third set, seemed like you stepped it up again. You got more aggressive, you went after it?

JACK DRAPER: Yeah, I mean, I felt like the first set I played some really good level after getting broke the first game. Then the second set, I mean, I didn't feel like I did a lot wrong. The first four games I felt like he just was pulling some amazing shots out of the bag.

Then third set I hit those two doubles on those big points, and then I felt like, yeah, it was time to up my level, and I did that, so...

Q. You can see we're all pretty tired. So how do you feel?

JACK DRAPER: Yeah, yeah. I don't know. Just a lot sorer than you guys probably (smiling). But no, I think just very, very proud of my efforts from the physical part of things. I'm obviously not feeling incredibly fresh right now, but I'll recover again. I'll do my best to go again for another one.

Q. On the court you said you kind of surprised yourself, I guess. Normally you say you're not surprised with the things you've done so far. What has it been like kind of showing yourself what you're capable of on court?

JACK DRAPER: Yeah, I mean, I think obviously there's always been that sort of question mark in my head over five-set matches, and am I able to do it? You know, from a mental part of side of things and physical as well, is my body going to hold up?

I don't know. I haven't really thought about it too much. Like I've been putting in a lot of work in general over time. Yeah, it seems like maybe by having that time off with my hip, I was able to focus on working on a few different things. I was working a lot with a breathing coach and just trying to understand that a bit better. I've always had problems with my sinuses. So I think that's really helping.

I just think in general staying a lot calmer and just, yeah, not being too uptight. I think that's helping me to go for longer.

Q. Are you breathing differently when you're out there?

JACK DRAPER: I mean, I had a lot of problems with my sinuses when I was younger, so I breathe a lot through my mouth. Obviously when you are anxious or when you have long points and you have to recover quickly, it's not efficient to breathe through your mouth.

So I've been trying to reverse what I do and breathe through my nose a lot better and a lot more and just, yeah, I think sometimes you don't realize how sort of uptight your body is. Especially me, because I've always been someone who likes to try hard, and I think sometimes it's just you have to relax. Especially in tennis, because you need to be free to, I don't know, let your muscles do what they need to do.

So obviously if you're tense the whole time, you're not going to last too long.

Q. How do you do that when you are in the tiebreak, and you have to be mentally so on it as well? Two tiebreaks you played really, really well in.

JACK DRAPER: I think the tiebreak in the fourth set, I mean, I don't think either of us played a loose point. I think both of us played really good tennis. I think I was brave, especially towards the end.

In the fifth-set tiebreak, like, it was tough. Obviously went 3-Love up. The momentum changes. Especially in ten-point tiebreaks, I mean, it's tough. It's like potluck sometimes.

I felt like I was brave in the moments that mattered. My coach was telling me to, you know, be aggressive when I could, and I think I did a good job of showing that side.

Q. You mentioned last time you were in here that you were aware of people saying, oh, you know, is he fit enough, can he do it? You are now sitting here having won three five-setters in a row. Do you have something to say to those people?

JACK DRAPER: No, not really. It's the truth. I'm done after two sets most of the time. I mean, that's just the way it is, and that's something that I'm aware of, and I needed to be better at that.

I still have a long way to go, but this is a huge drive forward, the fact that I'm mentally and physically, three five-set matches, it doesn't happen often. That's a testament to the work I've done and the place I'm in.

So very, very proud of that.

Q. I know you've only just finished this one, but obviously Carlos next. Different format, different service, but what can you take from the win over him at Queen's, and what do you think you'll need to do maybe better than you have been doing so far to try and get through that one?

JACK DRAPER: Yeah, I don't really want to -- the grass obviously is a win, but I think he just came off the French Open and had a bit of time off. I had just won Stuttgart, and the grass is a completely different ball game.

We obviously played in Basel. We played in Indian Wells. I was injured there. I know what to expect from him. He's going to come out with a lot of energy, and obviously he's a special talent, like I've said.

You know, I need to be aggressive. I need to take my chances. Against the top players you get less and less chances to win games and sets and all these sort of things. I need to be brave in the way I play, but I'm expecting him to come out and know that I've played three five-setters and know that he's got a battle on his hands, and he's going to have to play good.

It will be a great contest, I'm sure.

Q. How did you pull up yesterday after a late finish? What will tomorrow look like?

JACK DRAPER: Sorry. What was that?

Q. I wondered how you pulled up after a late finish against Thanasi, and what will tomorrow look like in preparation for Carlos?

JACK DRAPER: Yeah, I was tired yesterday. I was definitely sore, but I recovered the best I could. I tried to sleep a lot obviously. Sometimes when you play in these late matches, sleep schedules, you guys as well...

But I will, yeah, sleep. I'll make sure I do all the recovery right tomorrow and make sure I eat a lot. The main thing is just to not think about the tennis at all and switch off from it and try and just relax, and hopefully the body will be okay. I'm expecting to be really sore on whenever it is and just go again.

Q. I was going to say, what do you think of these late-night matches? Do you think you should be playing at this time? Is it good for you?

JACK DRAPER: We started at 10:00, you know, or whenever, 9:00. I mean, it's my fault for playing long matches, I think. But, yeah, it's part of the sport. It's pretty cool to be out there and have loads of people watching and late matches.

I needed a late match after my match with Kokkinakis, so that's fine. Hopefully they put me on late against Alcaraz.

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