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January 18, 2025

Gael Monfils

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Press Conference


3-6, 7-5, 7-6, 6-4

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. The dance that you did at the end of the match on court, which was brilliant, does that show the freedom that you're playing with at the minute that you can have that moment of joy after such a tight match?

GAEL MONFILS: Yeah, I think you're right. I felt good. I felt that this moment I want to do that. I want to be myself. Had this in my mind. I just done what was in my mind. That was my way to express my joy.

Q. Was that as much fun as it looked all the way through the match? You looked like you were really enjoying everything that was happening.

GAEL MONFILS: Yeah, as I always say, I keep playing for those matches. Play big player, big stadium, good crowd, good energy. When you're 38 years old, is what I want. I had it. I was very fortunate to win it.

It's exactly why I'm playing.

Q. You always speak of big dreams. Do you think you could win the tournament?

GAEL MONFILS: Win? No, you know, to be honest with you, is not even a dream to win the tournament. My dream is to be old and with a lot of kids and healthy.

Q. You beat the No. 4 seed.

GAEL MONFILS: That's your dream, I guess, to win slam. I tell you my dream.

My dream is to have an unbelievable family. Tennis is cool. Of course, you want to have goal, dream, whatever. But my dream is out there.

Q. Have you noticed how many French people there are at this tournament? Seems like there's an incredible number of French fans. I don't know where they all came from besides the obvious answer of France.

GAEL MONFILS: I feel like it grew. The number of French people grew out of the years. When I came at the beginning, it was just a few. Now, to be honest, has been, yeah, five, six years quite a lot. Quite a lot.

It's great. I don't really know where they come from, but it's unbelievable feeling. I hope we can have more next week.

Q. That is your first top-5 win at a Grand Slam since 2008. Does it feel like it's been that long? Do you feel like you've been waiting a long time for something like that?

GAEL MONFILS: You know, I did not even know this stat. To be honest, I don't look at the stat. I feel like I just been fortunate today to win. Maybe at my prime I was higher ranking, and I couldn't maybe play the highest ranking before. Maybe that's why it is not so easy on the stats.

I feel like numbers are numbers. On the court, you play a 4, 10, 100. Is a battle out there.

Q. At 38, do you still consider yourself one of the best athletes on the tour? Also, today why did you want to mix in some off-pace balls to Taylor?

GAEL MONFILS: I think I'm the best athlete at 38 years old on the tour, yes (smiling). That for sure.

Then on the mental, I don't really know this. I'm not sure. And we've been laughing with friend. I say, I don't know about that. But of course, every 38-year-old, that's my friend that I know, I have been better than them.

This is just my win. The rest of the tour, I don't really care, to be honest, because I feel that I was better in my prime, for sure.

But with my form now, I have more experience, so I can adjust myself. As you say, my game plan was a bit different. I knew how to slow down, how to change rhythm a little bit.

Unfortunately for him, I felt actually great today with my movements, so I could hold this for long time.

Q. How much did what happened in Auckland last week give you confidence and momentum that you've been able to take into Melbourne?

GAEL MONFILS: I always thank Pedro because this game help me a lot on many things mentally, physically. Then, of course, when you keep winning some matches, you have a great momentum, a great feel about what you want to do.

But the negative part is you get more, like, fatigue. Your option are a little bit less than, let's say, at the beginning, but I go. As I say, I'm surfing with this moment and I see.

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