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January 19, 2025

Olga Danilovic

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Press Conference

P. BADOSA/O. Danilovic

6-1, 7-6

THE MODERATOR: First of all, Olga, not the result you were hoping for. Could you please tell us what your thoughts were on the match.

OLGA DANILOVIC: Yeah, definitely not what I was looking for, but very, very different match from what I had two days ago in terms of, it's the middle of the day, it's super hot today. The conditions were not something that I enjoy, let's say, in that way.

At the moment I'm sad, but I'm also super proud of myself for this week and what I have done with my game, with myself, and everything like that.

As I said, definitely not something I was hoping for, but I'm happy that even though I didn't feel my best, I kept fighting and trying to do what I can. All the credit for her for her game.

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