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January 19, 2025

Tommy Paul

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Press Conference

T. PAUL/A. Davidovich Fokina

6-1, 6-1, 6-1

THE MODERATOR: Tommy, back into the quarterfinals here in Melbourne. Do you feel you are getting better each round?

TOMMY PAUL: Yeah, definitely. I mean, today was a little different. He obviously had some long matches. I knew that going in. I wanted to try and play longer points. He didn't really let that happen in the first set. He wanted quick sets.

When you're playing one of those guys, it's always tough 'cause you don't know at any point he can turn it on and the match could be completely different.

Those are the matches you really got to lock in the whole time.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. After last two matches of Alejandro, in majors you can never get relax being two sets up, but considering this situation, have you been a little bit more aware?


Q. For him to making a comeback.

TOMMY PAUL: Yeah, I mean, up two sets, that's usually where you want to be, but you know that he came back from two sets to love down two times this tournament already. So it makes the first couple games in the third set extra important. Even after getting the 2-0 break, he really was trying to go for another one, another one, just to kind of separate a little bit more.

'Cause, I mean, in the US Open I think we played, I was up two sets to love, he came out and started playing really well in the third set, took the third set. I knew it was a possibility. I just wanted to continue playing aggressive tennis.

Q. You said that you wanted to leave here in the top 10. It looks like you're on track to do that. Is there anything you sort of promised yourself you'd get, a car, a fishing rod, anything?

TOMMY PAUL: No, I didn't promise myself anything. Yeah, I mean, no.

Q. Usually when you've been in this part of tournaments in the past, people like Frances and Taylor are with you. Have you had much contact with them these last 10 days or even over the last year? Do you have much of a relationship with, practice with Learner and Alex?

TOMMY PAUL: With Michelsen, I've played him a couple times. Maybe we've warmed up or something. I don't know that we've practiced too much together.

Yeah, I mean, in the locker room with Michelsen, we talk all the time, talk football, talk basketball. Real close with his coach Robby.

Learner, I haven't hung out with Learner very much. We say hi, talk in passing in the locker room. This is, like, the first time I've watched him play quite a bit. I remember he got a wild card in the Open a couple years ago and played Frances. Other than that, he kind of dominated the futures and challengers last year. Obviously he's climbed through the rankings very quickly.

I mean, I think he's someone we're going to see a lot of on tour.

Q. Can I ask what you see in their games, why you think they're having so much success this early?

TOMMY PAUL: Yeah, I mean, I think a part of that is kind of the group that they're in. I mean, it's similar in a way to our group, except they're doing it a little bit younger maybe.

I mean, they're pushing each other. Michelsen kind of I would say broke through first in that group. I mean, he's a crazy good competitor really. I don't really see too many holes in his game. If anything, maybe his movement. Just in the past year he's improved that a ton. I know he has a personality where he's going to keep working and keep getting better on everything. He's going to be a force on tour, I think.

And same with Learner. Still haven't watched Learner play too much to explain you how he wins matches or his game. I mean, obviously he went last year on a 25-match win streak. At any level that's not easy to do.

Obviously he knows a little something about winning matches.

Q. What would you say you learned about either preparation or playing these matches from your past runs to semis here, quarterfinals in New York, getting to these last few matches of a tournament at a Grand Slam?

TOMMY PAUL: I would say just like taking care of your body is so important. You want to go on the court for these three-out-of-five set matches willing and able to play five.

I mean, I always put extra emphasis on the third set in three-out-of-five set matches. It's such an important set. Whether you're up two sets to love, whether it's a set apiece or you're down two sets, that third set is huge.

But, I mean, for me, I think staying physical from the first point of the match to the last point of the match is huge. That's what gives me a bit of an edge.

Q. Does it therefore make it a bigger deal to not have had to go through as much today? You weren't out there that long.

TOMMY PAUL: Yeah, you can ask that question to any player on tour. They'll all say you want to win matches quick when you're playing three-out-of-five.

It's nice 'cause, I mean, this week I did something a little different where I haven't practiced on the days in between my matches at all. Like I haven't even stepped on the court just 'cause I started with a five-setter, and my body was a little tired. Every match has gotten a little shorter since then.

I mean, my body feels great right now. Especially after the match today, it was a pretty short one. It's helpful going deep into tournaments.

Q. Top 10 or not, you are definitely playing the best tennis of your career. Competitive in every surface. What changed in your life or professional career to get these results and to be so consistent? Did you change anything?

TOMMY PAUL: I mean, I think everything is just a little bit more scheduled. There's a lot more structure in my life, I would say. I have such a good team around me. I would probably credit most of it to my team.

Keeping my body healthy is huge throughout the whole year. Last year I had one setback with the rolled ankle and we were back on court in two weeks, playing a tournament three weeks later, which that wouldn't be the case before.

We're just much more on top of things. Yeah, I mean, we're working hard in everything that we can.

Q. You're the top American after Queen's last year.

TOMMY PAUL: I got it for a week, right (smiling)?

Yeah, I mean, I've gotten this question so many times. I always answer it, like, I don't care to be top American if I'm No. 11 or 12 like I was after Queen's. I think it matters so much more to be top 5 in the world, make the last weekend of a slam. That's stuff that's so much more important to me than having the title of No. 1 American.

Obviously Fritz has had it for a long time. I mean, he's held it well, handled it well. It's probably extra pressure. I haven't really dealt with it 'cause, like I said, I had it for one week at a time.

But yeah, to answer your question, it's not something that I think about a ton. I'm just kind of in my lane trying to get better every day.

Q. A random thing. This writing on the camera lens after matches, do you like doing that? Do you think ahead of time about what you're going to say?


Q. Do you think it's a silly thing to do?

TOMMY PAUL: I mean, if they like it. If they like it, I'll keep signing. I don't think of what I'm going to sign. I just sign my name every time, keep it simple.

I remember a couple years ago they were doing shapes and stuff on there. But yeah, no, I haven't gotten too creative with it.

Q. Have you never done anything beyond your name?

TOMMY PAUL: I don't think so.

Q. Can you break down Sascha and Ugo, your next opponents.

TOMMY PAUL: They're definite opponents. Ugo, lefty, very powerful. Very uncomfortable player to play. Then with Sascha, he allows you to play points. He stands very far back and hits the ball really hard. You're able to really be in points besides obviously he's got a great serve.

Yeah, I mean, I think they just went on court now and see how that goes.

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