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January 20, 2025

Elena Rybakina

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Press Conference

M. KEYS/E. Rybakina

6-3, 1-6, 6-3

THE MODERATOR: Elena, a tough match today. Just talk us through your thoughts on the match and also how you're feeling physically.

ELENA RYBAKINA: Of course, not the result I wanted. Was tough match. I had some opportunities, but it is what it is.

I need to work better.


Q. Tough loss today. Now that your tournament is over, can you assess, like, how it affected you not having Stefano in your coaching box this tournament, which is I think where you wanted him?

ELENA RYBAKINA: Well, definitely, as I said before, this is not the station I want to be or someone wants to be. Of course, I want to have who I want in the box, but I couldn't change it.

In the end of the day, I just tried to focus on my matches, and I spoke with him. I also have Goran, so it didn't affect the way I played today or any of the result, I think.

Q. What do you think was the turning point in the third set, according to you?

ELENA RYBAKINA: Well, I think the second game when she was serving, I had opportunities to go 2-0 up. Then it was 1-All, and it was difficult games. Then again she broke me, so I think if I would be 2-0 up, it would be a bit better to continue, definitely.

Q. In the last round you were struggling with a back issue. Were you struggling with injury today when you were playing on the court?

ELENA RYBAKINA: Well, yesterday I did a full day of recovery and some treatments. It was better this match than the previous one, definitely.

But now, after the match is done, I still have some pain. It's something I need to take time to rest, to heal, and then continue to work.

Q. Do you plan on keeping Goran on your team going forward?

ELENA RYBAKINA: Well, we still need to talk, of course, because as I said, we just tried the preseason, and these couple of tournaments it was something just getting used to each other. We will definitely talk how the next schedule is going to look like.

Q. Regarding the schedule, what is the next tournament you are playing?

ELENA RYBAKINA: Well, for now I signed in to Abu Dhabi, and then it's same 1000 ones... Doha, Dubai.

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