January 20, 2025
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Press Conference
6-3, 6-2, 3-6, 6-1
THE MODERATOR: Lorenzo, congrats. Into your first career Grand Slam quarterfinal. Where does this rank among your tennis achievements?
LORENZO SONEGO: I think I improved a lot my tennis in the preseason. I already say that. I need to say thanks to my team. That's why I improve my tennis, and that's it.
I try to put my energy on court, and I played really, really well this week and also today.
Yeah, so happy to reach the quarterfinal.
Q. Today you faced a really young, young player. Maybe we can say the responsibility was kind of in your side, and you never reached quarterfinals before. Did you feel that you were the favorite one to win?
LORENZO SONEGO: Yeah, but I'm in confidence right now. I have more experience than my opponent today.
He's a young player, next generation. Yeah, he need to improve, and he played more time in this level, for sure. Today I put my experience on court, and yeah, that's it.
Q. You have a musical side to you. I wondered what music you like to listen to before matches and things like that to get yourself in the mood to go and play?
LORENZO SONEGO: Yeah, I listen my music, because I'm a singer, yeah. And, yeah, that's the way to stay focused on my match. That's the secret, listen my music.
Q. Gets you in the mood? It gets you pumped up and energetic?
LORENZO SONEGO: Yeah, yeah, I have more energy when I listen to my music, for sure.
Q. Which kind of music is it?
LORENZO SONEGO: It's like Reggaeton, yeah. New song coming soon this year.
Q. Which is the influence of this talent?
LORENZO SONEGO: It's not a talent (laughter). It's just for enjoy some moment with my best friend. Nothing else.
Q. Maybe a feat with Moutet and Shapo?
LORENZO SONEGO: Maybe, maybe. We can work for that.
Q. Why do you think in this moment of your career comes this quarterfinals, the first one in your career?
LORENZO SONEGO: Because I think something change on my mind. The mentality is improve. Yeah, I think my tennis also is improve a lot.
My backhand, my return, my serve. Yeah, that's why I have more result.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
