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January 20, 2025

Iga Swiatek

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Press Conference


6-0, 6-1

THE MODERATOR: Iga, a quick match against a promising opponent. What were some of the takeaways for you tonight?

IGA SWIATEK: Well, you know, for sure I'm happy that I played in an efficient way. I felt pretty confident. So from the beginning I just pushed. I knew that I could make an impact with that.


Q. In terms of playing night-session matches, or at least this night-session match, was it markedly different? Other players have said it's literally night and day playing on that court in terms of court speed and everything. How did you find the conditions?

IGA SWIATEK: Honestly it's hard to say because it depends on the opponent. The pace was a little bit different for sure today, but yeah, hard to say if it was the court or just our pace, you know, how we played.

For sure it's a bit different, but still, it was super hot today anyway. So the court I felt, it still has the heat, you know.

So yeah, I guess I'll see. It's more about, you know, the routine before, I would say. On court I feel like I can adjust to anything.

Q. I just wanted to ask, after your match, WADA released their new saying that they're not going to appeal your case. I know you said at the United Cup you weren't worried about it, but do you feel a sense of relief now knowing?

IGA SWIATEK: Well, for sure I'm just satisfied that I can get a closure, kind of, and I can just move on and, like, finish this whole process, because, you know, I just want to play tennis and focus on the tournament.

So, yeah, I'm just satisfied.

Q. It was your 87th bagel in your career. My question is, how are you able to look so dominant into the court? After to score a bagel, how do you manage to not relax, because we have seen on many, many players when you're winning -- not you, but when the players are winning before, maybe they get a little bit relaxed, but that's not happening with you, like, never?

IGA SWIATEK: Well, I'm aware that this can happen, so I'm just trying to react before and not wait for my mind to, like, go to some different places, because I'm winning too easily, you know.

I don't know. And, also, I kind of always respect the opponent and just want to win more and more and trying not to change my intensity and the way I play because of score. You know, I try to do the same even when I'm losing. I'm just trying to be consistent with this and always have, like, the same mindset.

Obviously it's not easy to do that, but, like, managing this mentality and overall what I think on court is a key for me. So I always did that, and I will do that in the future.

Q. I wanted to ask you, your rivalry with Sabalenka has been the defining rivalry of the WTA Tour the last few years. I just wondered if you could talk about the experience of playing her, how different her ball feels to other players', what makes her such a difficult opponent?

IGA SWIATEK: Well, honestly I think we're the most consistent players on tour, and this is also what the rivalry is about.

But when we face each other, you know, sometimes, as it was in Cincinnati, it goes to Aryna. Sometimes, like in Rome, it goes to me. It's not always that we have tight matches, but we do, like Madrid final, like US Open semis.

So I guess, you know, we're just both good and feel like we are covering every aspect of the game in terms of the preparation. We're just really professional and also pushing each other to work harder.

So yeah, I mean, how does it feel? Like, you have to just be there, like, on point and 100% ready, because playing top player is always hard, so yeah (smiling).

Q. What do you think is her best attribute?

IGA SWIATEK: I don't know. I feel like she has a complete kind of technique, like pretty smooth. She's just solid from every position on the court, even like volleys and stuff that we don't use, like, that often on singles.

Yeah, I mean, she has variety, and she can play flat, she can play topspin. Like, basically I would say that Aryna is like kind of complete player.

Q. After you tested positive, you said many times that you were worried people would see you differently and wouldn't look at you the same way after this case. Are these worries behind you now? Did you notice any difference in the reception you received from the crowd here in Melbourne?

IGA SWIATEK: No, I haven't noticed any difference. I think anybody who, like, read the documents and know details about the case, they understand. In the locker room, has been also pretty nice. You know, the girls are understanding. I mean, I kind of answered all of this at the beginning of the tournament (smiling).

So yeah, now for sure, I just want to put this behind me because I have already been on tour for quite a few weeks, and it's all been good. I don't expect any changes. For sure, I'm happy that people understand.

Q. Next round you're going to play Emma. How do you see the progress she has made maybe last year, and what kind of match are you expecting?

IGA SWIATEK: I don't know what I'm expecting. We kind of played in 2018, but, like, I'm not going to count this.

For sure, I have to treat Emma as a player that I never played, because she, for sure, has made, like -- we both made huge progress since that time that we faced each other.

So, yeah, her journey has been pretty nice and amazing. I saw the US Open matches. She played really well and, like, fighting for every point and everything.

So I'll just prepare as before any other match, for sure. It's a bit different when you don't know the opponent that well and you haven't faced them, like, a lot of times. But I don't mind, like, I'll just prepare and I'll be ready.

Q. Emma has a very spinny forehand, as you do too. Do you feel there are more players on the tour with spinnier forehands and that kind of technique, I guess?

IGA SWIATEK: You mean more than flat?

Q. Yeah, yeah. Or just like more of them now than there was in the past, you know.

IGA SWIATEK: I don't know how it was in the past. For sure, there was some time, I don't know, like Naomi's years where players played more flat, but I'm not sure, because I was, like, what, 50 then or something?

But now -- I mean, yeah, even like they say that Aryna is heavy hitter, but she spins the ball on the forehand, as well. I guess most of us do that. Some a bit less; some a bit more. But there are also flat players. I'd say 50/50.

Q. I think in the start of the tournament you made the joke about your three-peat in the fourth round.

IGA SWIATEK: Actually, it was third. I mean, I made a mistake, because last year I lost in third. I thought it was at least a bit better (smiling).

Q. But in terms of making the quarterfinals at the Australian Open, is there a particular level of satisfaction that you feel?

IGA SWIATEK: Yeah, yeah, there is, for sure. And also, not only about the result itself, also how I feel, you know, because it was always a struggle here. So this year it's much more smooth, and I feel like, you know, the work that I'm putting on the court is actually working on matches, as well. Hopefully it's gonna stay like that.

So just the whole process is much better, I'd say, this year.

Q. Today your doping problem was solved, I heard. Please tell us your impression.

IGA SWIATEK: I'm just satisfied that I got a closure, and I kind of want to focus on the tournament already, so it's good that the process is over.

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