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January 22, 2025

Kimberly Birrell

John-Patrick Smith

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Press Conference


7-6, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: Good evening, everyone. Welcome to the press conference with Kimberly Birrell and J.P. Smith. Team, a fantastic win going into an all-Aussie final. Can you talk me through how you're both feeling after that victory.

KIMBERLY BIRRELL: Happy, yeah. It's been so much fun. To top off the awesome few weeks for me with a mixed-double final with J.P. is so special. Yeah, I just can't wait to get out there.

JOHN-PATRICK SMITH: Yeah, what Kim just said, I'll reiterate. It's been a great AO. Kind of really helped (indiscernible) since my partner pulled out in the doubles. This is has been a really good, I guess, another kind of present, actually.

We got in as wild cards. We're in the final here now. It's been a lot of fun. It's been a lot of fun playing with Kim, so look forward to it.

KIMBERLY BIRRELL: Four wild cards as well. So exciting.


THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. You guys are playing in an all-Aussie final, probably before the men's semifinal. Would you like it if the organizers would have opened the arena up to ground pass holders so that more people can come in and see the all-Australian match?

JOHN-PATRICK SMITH: I think they're doing that, right?

Q. I'm not sure.

JOHN-PATRICK SMITH: No, that would be great. They did a great job opening up MCA to all grounds passes. I think Craig is pretty receptive to those sort of ideas. I think he probably will do that.

A few years ago when I played the final, they did that. I think he'll probably do it again.

Q. Another question to you, J.P. You obviously had your college friends in the audience for your last two matches. Can you just speak about sort of how much support they've given you and what that means to you to have them in the audience.

JOHN-PATRICK SMITH: Yeah, I mean, to play in front of a crowd and noise and energy - I'm sure Kim can relate - it just makes it so much fun. It's just enjoyment playing in front of a crowd and noise. It just brings out, especially when they're cheering for all of us today, it was great.

Q. You've played with John many times over the years, and you played with Olivia this week. Can you just speak a little bit about that matchup and what you're expecting from it.

KIMBERLY BIRRELL: I mean, yeah, Liv and I have played a lot of doubles together, and we've played together this week. We gel really well. We practice together at home, both growing up on the Goldie and still living there. Yeah, I said in my on-court interview, we know each other's games really well.

So we'll have a chat together and with our teams and come up with a game plan. I probably won't give too much away (laughing). But I mean, yeah, we all know each other, so I think it's probably going to come down to whoever backs themselves on the day and whoever trusts, you know, each other's games and the teamwork.

I think we've been gelling together super well. So it's going to be really fun. I think it's really cool it's an all-Aussie final. Anything can happen on the day.

Q. I don't know if this was mentioned right at the very beginning before I got in, but are you aware of what the four of you all have achieved, the historical aspect?

JOHN-PATRICK SMITH: Please, elaborate.

Q. The first-time since 1967 that the mixed doubles final is all Australian at the Australian and any major.

KIMBERLY BIRRELL: Wow. That's super special.


KIMBERLY BIRRELL: Yeah. It's really cool. Especially it's I think pretty rare for players now to play in all three. To compete, you know, together at our home slam is super cool. Had so many amazing Australian stories. So to contribute to that is really special.

JOHN-PATRICK SMITH: And, Craig, it's on my birthday as well. Should have some cake for me (laughing).

Q. What makes you two gel so well as a mixed doubles pair? How did the pairing come about, and what makes you gel so well together?

JOHN-PATRICK SMITH: Obviously known Kim for a long time and watched a lot of her matches. I just thought, honestly, we would be a great team.

She stepped up in big points today. She's done a lot in both tiebreakers we've played this week, and I learned a lot from that. It makes me go after it a little bit more myself and trust in myself.

I think we've kind of really gelled really well this past week here. I think moving forward for the final we just have to keep doing what we've been doing the whole week, so...

Q. J.P., so many years you've been toiling on the challengers, on tour-level events. So after so many years, what does it mean to you to be in a final of a major like this?

JOHN-PATRICK SMITH: I think, like, every year I come back and play on tour, I appreciate it more. This is my 14th AO, and it makes me feel real old.

KIMBERLY BIRRELL: So cool. No, it doesn't. Sorry. It's cool.

JOHN-PATRICK SMITH: I don't get to play mixed very often. Mainly just here through the wild cards, which I'm very thankful for. I appreciate every moment out here, win, lose, or draw. I'm very grateful for the opportunity.

Obviously now I'm older, I never let these opportunities be unappreciated. I'm very lucky to be out here and playing.

Q. J.P., you've obviously had a lot of success in mixed here over the years. What makes you so good at mixed when you play it?

KIMBERLY BIRRELL: Maybe I should answer that.

JOHN-PATRICK SMITH: Honestly, it's the partner. Not me (laughter).

KIMBERLY BIRRELL: I think it's no surprise J.P. gels well with whoever he plays with because he's a great guy and super supportive and always brings amazing energy on court and off court too.

You know, just speaking from how it's made me feel this week on court, I feel very comfortable and like I'm able to really go for my shots because even if I miss, I know that he still backs me, which is super cool.

Q. Kimmy, how have you been able to work in with a partner who is a lefty?

KIMBERLY BIRRELL: It's great. I want to play with lefties all the time. I wish I was a lefty.

Yeah, I mean, like playing with a lefty and then we've also played a few lefties, I think I have to use a different part of my brain kind of just in terms of tactics, especially today with the guy's serve and the extra added bit of toughness with the spin.

But I think it's all part of it and makes it really fun, and I'm really enjoying the challenge.

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