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January 24, 2025

Jannik Sinner

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Press Conference

J. SINNER/B. Shelton

7-6, 6-2, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: Jannik, well done. Ben had a lot of chances in the first set. Did how did you turn it around?

JANNIK SINNER: Yeah, it was a crucial set. I think we both returned actually quite well. Just trying to stay calm in the important moments. I knew in the first set it was very important, especially when he was serving for the set. The tiebreak, I tried to play very solid, which then gave me confidence for the next couple of sets.

So I'm very happy.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. I've spoken to a couple of your fans out there who said you're unbeatable. Do you feel unbeatable at the moment?

JANNIK SINNER: No. I know that I put a lot of work in. I know I just try to stay calm, never taking things as granted. Just well-prepared, to be honest.

I had a tough off-season. We tried to put a lot of work in there. Every day it's a routine to get better. That's it.

Q. You are the most effective player while No. 1 since the beginning of ATP rankings. We all are watching your best version becoming world No. 1. Something change in your mentality after being No. 1?

JANNIK SINNER: Not really. Obviously it's a great position to be in. Back of my head I also know that I'm 23 years old, and I am not perfect, no? I know that I have things still to improve. I have certain areas where I can get better. That's why we work for, no?

As I said before, every day is a big challenge. Every day you have a different opponent. You try to understand what's happening. Sometimes you have some issues and then trying to understand that whatever works best for that day and trying to go for it, no?

Everyone makes mistakes, no? Nobody's perfect. Yeah, that's it.

Q. You were watching the first semifinal, when it ended, and what was your reaction to seeing it?

JANNIK SINNER: I haven't seen. I was warming up. I didn't see it live. I saw after how it happened.

It's very unfortunate to see these kind of things, especially in semifinals of Grand Slams. But if Novak retires, means that he has big issues. He has won here in the past with some physical problems, and he always tried to do his best. He gave so much until now in his career for this sport.

It's unfortunate to see. I wish him a speedy recovery.

Q. Could you talk to us a bit about your experience of getting to the final, the pressure of defending a Grand Slam title for the first time, the background, and cramping today. It doesn't seems like it hasn't been easy for you.

JANNIK SINNER: It's never easy. I try to put a lot of work in in the days off, trying to understand my body. I have a great team behind me also with a lot of experience. They guide me sometimes a little bit, even if I have to do a bit more or a bit less.

Yeah, there's a lot of things going on on and off the court. I try to isolate myself a little bit, trying to be myself on the court. Sometimes it's a bit easier. There are days where it's easier, days where I struggle a little bit more.

I just happy to put myself in this position again, to play for a big trophy again. But in other ways, everything can happen Sunday. I'm just happy to be here. As I said, my team push me a lot to do so.

Yeah, the end of the day Grand Slams are the most important tournaments we have in our sport. Then after we see all my schedule, I will have from here on.

Yeah, in my mind I know that I worked a lot to be also in difficult situation and trying to understand the right situation on the court. This lot of work helps you when you struggle.

Q. Having won your first slam only a year ago, what have you learned this year that you can take into Sunday's match?

JANNIK SINNER: Yeah, I've been in this position to play finals of Grand Slams, which is something good. Also, Sascha has been in that situation. Finals are a bit different, but very exciting days.

Sundays, when you arrive, doesn't really matter how big the tournament is, but when you play Sunday, there's a nice feeling. There are only two men standing. You just try to play the best tennis possible, no?

I'm trying to take the things away in your head, the pressure. Even if it's easy to say, but difficult to do... I will try to do that and also enjoy these moments. We won six very, very tough matches. Yeah, finals are very special.

Q. What's the hardest thing about getting through the two weeks of these Grand Slams?

JANNIK SINNER: Every day when you play a match. It's very easy to say, no? In the beginning of the tournament, you never know what your shape is, especially in the beginning of the tournament. Without playing any tournaments before, you don't know.

I know that I work a lot, but you never know what's happening. Then you try to raise your level day by day, trying to understand what's happening. All of us who go deep in tournaments, they have some days where they struggle a little bit more. If it's physical, if it's mentally, it's a lot going on.

It's a long way to come here. Now it's only one match left. Let's see what's coming.

Q. How different do you think it would feel going into the final on Sunday compared to this time a year ago, whether you'll be more nervous, less different, and what different emotions there will be?

JANNIK SINNER: I don't know. This I can answer you after the final. I don't know how I'm going to feel Sunday. I hope I feel good.

But as I said before, everything can happen. Sundays are exciting days. For sure there is loads of pressure, loads of expectations, loads of attention. At the end of the day it's a tennis match, no? It has to be fun. It has to be something great and good.

In my mind I try to do that, trying to make the right decisions in the right time. If I can do it, good. If not, final again, it's amazing result.

Q. Having won two Grand Slams, would you say you're the favorite for the match? What kind of battle do you expect against Alexander? More physical, tactical?

JANNIK SINNER: First of all, it's going to be mental, no? Then, of course, we played already sometimes. It's going to be a tough match for both of us. It's going to be physical, for sure. Then we see, no?

I think he played some incredible tennis to go to the final. It's tough to say whoever is the favorite in a way because everything can happen.

These are all questions we are going to get answered Sunday. It's very difficult to talk today in advance.

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