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January 25, 2025

Sam Schroder

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Press Conference


7-6, 7-5

THE MODERATOR: Sam, congratulations. We were here yesterday after your doubles win. What is it about the Australian Open that brings your best tennis?

SAM SCHRODER: Yeah, thank you.

I think for me what really helps is I'm just very comfortable and relaxed because the weather is always great, the people are always great, the food is great. What's not to like?

Also I think the courts, especially the main, bigger courts, really suit my style where I can just go back and play the rallies and get some more angles, as well.

Overall I think the fact that I'm really relaxed coming into every match makes me play even better, as well.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. How important was it staying composed in this match? Ups and downs and in both sets.

SAM SCHRODER: How important?

Q. Was staying relaxed?

SAM SCHRODER: I think I had a rough start. I made a few too many errors in the beginning, just unforced errors really.

I always know there will be a point where I will start to go back in the match. There's a lot of matches where I'm down in the beginning and I find my way into it. Once I'm locked in, I stay there kind of.

From experience I know I just have to stay relaxed, stay calm, keep trying to find ways to get back into it. Yeah, that ultimately happened again today.

Q. Staying calm do you think is the key to winning a match like that?

SAM SCHRODER: Yeah, I think you have to stay calm, but you have to think about what's happening. I knew that in the beginning, like I said, I was just making too many unforced errors and he was playing very solid.

I think I changed a little bit trying to be a little bit more aggressive, but still having a balance between aggressive and just keeping the rallies going.

I think that's how I managed to turn it around.

Q. Given your match today, presumably you had to put your celebrations on hold after yesterday's match, how will you be celebrating?

SAM SCHRODER: Yeah, normally if I win a tournament, I try a piƱa colada. I think you guys already know that, are well aware (smiling).

There's some nice Canadian Clubs over here. I think I'll have a few of those.

Q. It was obvious that you were with emotion after you won the match. What does this title mean to you?

SAM SCHRODER: Yeah, I think it's very special for me to once again having won a tournament. After the first one, you want the second one. Unbelievable to have won the fourth one. It's really crazy when I think about it.

I think winning always a Grand Slam is very special. I think for me, after the last few months, it's been quite rough. Really just proud of myself that I've been able to show this level this week. Yeah, I think that ultimately made it extra special for me.

Q. Some of the names you join now by winning your fourth, Diede de Groot, Esther Vergeer. Highly respected names. What does it mean to you to be able to join a list like that, accomplish so much?

SAM SCHRODER: Yeah, no, that's great. I wasn't really aware of that, to be honest. I'm not sure if anyone knows what Dylan's record is here, but hopefully I'll be able to break that one day, as well.

Q. He's won seven.

SAM SCHRODER: Then I have a few more years to try, hopefully (smiling).

Q. You described the last few months being rough. That is just on court or...

SAM SCHRODER: I don't want to elaborate too much. I stopped working with my coach. I'm still in the process of looking for a new one. Obviously that's a tough period to go through. That's really all I want to say about that.

That's why I'm really happy to be able to show up with this high level.

Q. How tough was it to win this tournament without a coach?

SAM SCHRODER: Yeah, no, I think it's difficult in the beginning because, of course, you're used to certain things, having a coach next to you.

I think ultimately it's really going to benefit me in the long run because I'll really have to think about everything myself. That's really going to make me a better player overall.

Q. You spoke on court about showcasing the match, how the match was showcased at a high level. How important is it to get a really good match of this caliber to project the image, a positive image, of wheelchair tennis?

SAM SCHRODER: Yeah, no, I think wheelchair tennis is something that we just really have to keep pushing to grow the size of the Grand Slams, but also just general other tournaments. I think it's a very important aspect of tennis in general.

There's millions of people all over the world who have some form of a disability. I hope it's really empowering for them to see what we can do in the chair. That's why I want to be able to show a high level like this today.

Q. The match itself was very tight. What was the actual difference between winning and losing today?

SAM SCHRODER: Yeah, I think just a few points. The first set I had 44 points, he had 43 points. There were margins. I was down 5-1. I started picking up from there.

But yeah, I mean, sometimes you just need a little bit of luck. But I think ultimately for me I know if it's really about the important points, I'll go for my shots. If it works out, it works out. If it doesn't, it's unfortunate. But I'm not just going to keep endless rallies going or anything. I really want to play a high level.

Q. When it comes to a key shot, do you believe in yourself that you're going to win that shot?

SAM SCHRODER: Yeah, definitely. I mean, of course, I had I think one match point maybe in the second set at 5-3. Of course, it hurts to not get that in that moment. There's been moments where I've had match points at Grand Slams where I haven't converted to actually winning.

I think I also have that experience now that I have to take some more time. Even then from going 5-3, 5-4, 5-5, then I don't know what the score was in the end.

Q. 7-5.

SAM SCHRODER: 7-5, yeah.

I think ultimately for me I know you just have to keep fighting and going for my points. Going for the winners, being aggressive is what my tennis is about. There's no point in me to change it up all of a sudden in the important points.

Q. There were some points in the match that could go either way. When you're down 5-1 in the first set, I suppose what was that motivation? To stay aggressive? Something that clicked with you to win the next five games?

SAM SCHRODER: Well, I think sometimes, like I said, you do need a little bit of luck. I think he's obviously 5-1 up, then if you go 5-2, 5-3, 5-4, maybe something changed for him as well.

I think for me ultimately I knew I was making too many unforced errors and I had to be more solid. At the same time not just playing everything back, but also trying to go for my shots.

In the beginning of the match, I just made too many errors. I think once I win that game from 5-1 to 5-2, then I had the new balls to serve, or he had the new balls.

Ultimately, like I said, it comes down for me knowing that I have to keep fighting for every point. I think that somehow got me through it.

Q. One particular game when you were coming back in the second set, serving at 3-4, a loose game from him. Did you sense his focus drifted at times?

SAM SCHRODER: Yeah, I think there were a few very quick games. I think ultimately that comes down to, for me at least, from my point of view, just keeping the pressure on him.

If I have the momentum, I'll try to keep it for as long as possible, try to play my points quick, try to keep him under pressure, not give him any time to think. Ultimately you see that, you kind of keep it going for a while.

I think I had two really quick games. After that the momentum kind of shifted towards him again. In the end it kind of stayed with both of us.

Q. Your rivalry with him is a huge part of the quad wheelchair division. How important is it to be able to win over him?

SAM SCHRODER: Yeah, of course we have a really good rivalry. I think for me personally, I always want to win against anyone. Of course, I'm glad to win today again because he is such a good player. Because of the situation I'm in, it makes it extra special for me.

It's not like I have a very specific desire to just beat him. I want to win against anyone. Like I said, he's a very good player. To win against him today is very good always.

Q. Speaking about this rivalry, I don't know if you know, but Niels actually overtook you in the ranking before this competition. He was ahead of you by one point. How does it feel to take that back, have bragging rights again?

SAM SCHRODER: Yeah, I saw he had one point. Ultimately it's nice to be the No. 1. I'm glad that I ended the year last year at No. 1.

But ultimately for us as tennis players, being No. 1 or 2 is most important. If I was No. 3 now, I maybe play Niels in the semifinals. Now if I'm No. 1 or 2, it's only going to be in the final if I get there. That's really the most important thing for me to stick on the top two.

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