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January 21, 2025

Rickie Fowler

Cameron Young

Matt Fitzpatrick

Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, USA

SoFi Center

New York Golf Club

Press Conference

Atlanta Drive GC 4, New York Golf Club 0

THE MODERATOR: We'll welcome New York Golf Club, Rickie Fowler, Cam Young and Matt Fitzpatrick here. Wrong side of the scoreboard but it looked like fun out there. Cam, what were your impressions of tonight?

CAMERON YOUNG: I think the game was really fun. Obviously not the result that we wanted, but I feel like it was the best golf I've seen from watching the other two matches and then ours tonight.

It was a blast, and I think we'll do better next time.

Q. Rickie, Matt, any takeaways from tonight, things you learned or things that were different from your first appearance here?

RICKIE FOWLER: We've just got to find a way to play better than the other team. We've gotten outplayed both times. I don't think we played very poorly other than our first hole we got off to a rough start, but other than that, there's no blaming here.

I missed the green with a chip, so...

Yeah, we dug ourselves a small hole, but I felt like we played decent from there. But big thing is we have to find a way to hole some putts. I feel like this is what it feels like to be on the U.S. Ryder Cup Team.

MATT FITZPATRICK: Not at Whistling Straits it wasn't.

RICKIE FOWLER: That's one out of 30.

Q. What do you feel is the toughest adjustment to make in an arena like that, with equipment especially?

MATT FITZPATRICK: Yeah, I think just understanding probably your start lines more than anything, just hitting shots and you're seeing in the screen, you've got this image in your mind of how you've hit it and how you want to see it, and it might not be exactly, so then you start questioning do I need to change anything.

I felt like I did a much better job tonight of sticking with what I was doing and just -- the putting is just -- everyone holes putts but us. It's ridiculous. It's, like, fixed.

Q. Obviously this is your second time playing. Cam, it's your first. Are you noticing any tendencies or niches? Are you guys picking up anything that you can use going forward?

RICKIE FOWLER: Well, I wish there was a way to learn the green. There's only one pin location that the green doesn't change, and that's the middle one that's right over the bunker. Other than that, the green is changing every hole. It doesn't allow you to basically try and learn anything. It's new every time. So that can throw you off, too, if you're trying to think of this putt a couple holes ago was going this way. Well, it's doing something completely different.

With the lights being directly above, it's hard to see some break and slopes out there at times, so there is some guessing that goes on. You try and get as close as you can, but I think you're definitely seeing us get fooled a lot. You're going to see it with some other guys, as well. They're either seeing it better or guessing a little bit better than us.

Q. It seemed like you guys get hitting decent approach shots that kept ending up on that plateau on the top. How difficult is it to putt down that and try to get it close?

MATT FITZPATRICK: It's really difficult. I had one from a similar line that went left and one that went right, and it's just how subtle the breaks are. All the drop-off around the whole tier is really --

RICKIE FOWLER: It's not a straight edge.

CAMERON YOUNG: It's so steep, if it starts to just go one way it's going to go completely different.

MATT FITZPATRICK: It's difficult to read, yeah.

Q. Rickie and Matt, you guys have done this twice. Last time we asked did you think the tech or the simulator was representative of the shots that you were hitting. You've done it twice. Do you still feel that way?

RICKIE FOWLER: I thought tonight I didn't see anything that was odd. I felt like the shots that I hit were represented on there. I know they've made some adjustments as far as moving the parameters for the front tee box back, getting some better readings for wedge shots. I didn't see anything on my end that was off.

MATT FITZPATRICK: Yeah, I thought it was really good tonight. The only issue I had was the bunker. But I think it's one of those that's subtle. It felt like a great strike to me. It obviously went 50 yards or whatever. I spoke to Chris, we thought it could have hit a lip maybe in the actual game, so obviously that was always going to be short. But other than that, everything else was really good.

But it's hard with the sand, the subtle strikes. You might think it's good, but it's five, ten yards short.

Q. Cam, your first impression? You thought it was spot on?

CAMERON YOUNG: Yeah, like Matt was saying, once you learn your start lines and kind of what the shot looks like on the screen that you've hit kind of in relation to what you feel, it's something you can learn and then hit the shots that you need to on there. I think it is represented what you do, but it does take some learning to just get comfortable.

Q. Obviously you got down to that early deficit. Was there any part of you that was hoping they'd throw the hammer in order for you guys to get it back?

MATT FITZPATRICK: Yeah. Yeah. I thought that was the point of the hammer. Hey, just me.

Q. Has Justin Thomas ever gone 15 holes without throwing a hammer?


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