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January 19, 2025

Justin Thomas

La Quinta, California, USA

PGA WEST Pete Dye Stadium Course

Quick Quotes

Q. Final round bogey-free 66. Heck of a fight out there. How would you assess your performance this week?

JUSTIN THOMAS: I played well. I mean, I had a chance, it wasn't obviously a great one on the back nine, but I was proud of myself, I did what I needed to do on the front nine today and at least be making some noise and kind of moving up the leaderboard. Obviously it was unfortunate to kind of stall there after 11, really, really played some great golf today, hit some really good shots, made some great putts and hit some great putts too that didn't go in. No, it's good, I was far from my best stuff this week, I feel like I managed everything really well and got it around well, only two bogeys all week, and, but, yeah, in a place like this you got to be pretty sharp all around, and I'll just keep building.

Q. Is there anything specific you would point to that kind of slowed things down for you today?

JUSTIN THOMAS: Not necessarily. I had definitely a couple -- you know, I could have made putts on 12 or 13. Hit a great putt on 13, and I have no idea how it didn't go in. Kind of weird, didn't hit good wedge shots on 14. 15 was extremely tough to get close to. It's just one of those things, it's obviously there's -- I wish and felt like I could have birdied a lot of those holes coming in, but it just didn't happen.

Q. What are some positives you can take from this stretch of golf where you've been able to have a solid finish this week, and also solid finishes in a couple of your most recent events?

JUSTIN THOMAS: I mean, a lot. Just keep doing what I'm doing, I don't need to change or do anything different, just keep building, keep working, tighten some things up. I feel like my wedge game has not been anything close to my level of what I like it being. So, yeah, just kind of keep honing in on that, and work -- because we got a big stretch here coming up that I'm excited for.

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