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January 19, 2025

Jason Day

La Quinta, California, USA

PGA WEST Pete Dye Stadium Course

Quick Quotes

Q. Overall really solid weekend, what positives are you going to take away from these past few days?

JASON DAY: Hit it very nice. A lot of the stuff that I was working on has definitely carried over, which is good, definitely, from Sentry, and just work out the putting. I feel like I gave myself a lot of opportunities out there, I'm a good putter, so I just didn't capitalize on the opportunities. I could tell that something was off when the initial hit of the putts I could hear the putts jumping, so when you hear like kind of, it's not like a skid, it's like more of a (makes noise) like that, that's when it's difficult to control speed. When it's jumping around a little bit, it's difficult to get the correct speed, and then obviously when you don't have the correct speed, then it's hard to hole the putts. I could probably do a better job of painting a better picture before I hit the shot too, just being able to see the putt go in a little bit better. Overall very happy with the week, yeah, good start to the year, so just moving to Torrey Pines.

Q. In addition to your solid start, having your family out here this week, just what does it mean to you to have their support out here and get to see them after you finish your rounds?

JASON DAY: Yeah, it's definitely nice to have 'em on the road. We're very fortunate to be able to travel in a bus together, very fortunate to be able to home school, so that we can have 'em out there. So my wife is, you know, hat's off to my wife, because she does all that work. It can get lonely out here, and that's why I think if they were at home I probably wouldn't play too long, you know, just because I wouldn't be able to see my kids grow up, and then I just don't like being on the road by myself, so I'm very fortunate to be able to have them on the road with me.

Q. You're in the final group today, had Sepp in your sights, but not the finish you wanted, just describe the challenge of trying to chase down a lead on this golf course.

JASON DAY: Yeah, I think, what did he finish, at 25? So I would have had to shoot 6, which is very doable out there. He just stayed one step ahead. Every time you made a birdie or you are thinking about making a birdie he would do the exact same thing, and that's kind of what you need to do to win tournaments. Especially when you have a decent sizeable lead that he had going into today, you just got to keep pushing and making sure that you give yourself enough break like he did where he could make a couple of bogeys down the stretch and still get way with it pretty easily. It would have been nice to be able to get a little bit closer, just to try to get him thinking about it a little bit more. He's a great ball-striker, obviously, he's a good player to be able to play the way he did today, but just get him thinking about a few more things, that would have been nice. Obviously it's difficult to beat someone that's playing well.

Q. You mentioned earlier in the weak that technically your swing has felt better than it has in a long time, how did that swing feel today in the heat of a Sunday on the PGA TOUR?

JASON DAY: It was good. I wish I could have had the 18th tee ball back, it was a very uncommitted shot there. But overall I feel like the stats this week were very solid from tee to green. Could have done a little bit better on the greens, but I think with a lie/loft adjustment and then also some putting practice, I think that should be back on top of it. Short game felt pretty good. Overall very pleased. It's been awhile since I've been in contention like that, so it's nice to be able to stand there and hit some of the shots that I did knowing that, okay, you still, you know, under the pump you still got some really good stuff in there, let's just kind of build on that going forward.

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