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January 19, 2025

Laurie Canter

Dubaii, UAE

Majlis Course at Emirates Golf Club

Press Conference

Q. Run us through today and your emotions coming off 18.

LAURIE CANTER: I'm happy. That's the best I played all week today. Hit a lot of really good shots to tough pins. I had a lot of kind of looks at birdie and felt like I hit good putts today. Just a couple misreads.

And then 17, 18, actually probably not the greatest swing on 17 or 18 off the tee. Put me kind of in the rough. But obviously to finish with a chip-in and lovely pitch on 18 put a smile on my face for sure.

I was a bit frustrated because I felt like I hit a lot of really shots going to that point and three-putt on 15, and missing the short putt on 16 for birdie. I think I was probably felt like I'm due a finish.

For me to chip-in, that doesn't happen that often to be honest. I'm not the world's best chipper but working hard at it. Great to see that go in.

Q. I know you'd have liked to walk away with this trophy, but what do you take away from the week?

LAURIE CANTER: Great start to the year. Competed all week. Tyrrell is obviously a world-class player. I had a chance, and yeah, I'll keep doing that, knock on the door, so to speak. I'd love to get a Rolex Series win. They are such good events, and especially here, I think having this one on the C.V. would be epic. Keep grinding away and hopefully have a chance at some point to win another one.

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